Breathe Right-Large Tan Nasal Strips, 100ct

Breathe Right-Large Tan Nasal Strips, 100ctHave you ever wondered whether these things actually help? My answer is: sort of. They seem to open my nose up and help me breath at night. I have also had doctors recommend these things. However, they are not a cure-all. Also, they do not help everyone.

My wife convinced me to try these things. They did seem to help for a while. My wife said I breathed better with them. They sure are spendy though. I recommend getting the most you can afford at one time to take advantage of any volume discounts.

There are a few things you need to watch for when you use these. First, if your nose tends to be oil you need to wash your nose first, or the adhesive will not stick. Second, you have to put the strip on in the correct location. Too low or too high on your nose and you will not get the correct amount of opening of your nose. Third, after a few days of using the strip the adhesive will remove the oils from your nose, along with much of the dead skin, and it can hurt to remove the strips unless you soak them in water. My recommendation is to remove them when you shower. The last problem is the opposite of the previous problem. Sometimes you can pull the strip off when you sleep. Pulling the strip off is very annoying because once off, they often do not like to go back on. As I mentioned before, they are expensive, so destroying one is annoying.

Breathe-Right strips are an aid to breathing that works for some people. If you think a modest amount of help in breathing would solve your problems, I recommend you try them. However, you may also want to consider whether you need to see a doctor. Your breathing problems may be more serious than a Breathe-Right strip can help. Good Luck!

Don't get me wrong, I really like Breathe Right. They really help me sleep better.

But "Breathe Right-Large Tan Nasal Strips, 100ct (2 Pack)"is not a good offer from DAB Nutrition. Beware that "100ct (2 Pack)" does NOT mean 2x100, it means 2x50.

Adding in the shipping, I could have bought it for less locally.

Here on Amazon, some of the offers say "## count BOXES (Pack of # [boxes])"

If it doesn't say "BOXES", then the count is probably the total count for all the boxes combined much less than you might think you're getting.

DOUBLECHECK quantities listed with the vendor BEFORE you buy, especially if the vendor is DAB Nutrition. (I'm really sorry I didn't doublecheck)

They word their product quantities very ambiguously.

BTW, the ones sold directly by Amazon can be eligible for the free shipping, so kept that in mind too, when considering dealing w/ a 3rd party like DAB Nutrition, which doesn't have free shipping.

Buy Breathe Right-Large Tan Nasal Strips, 100ct Now

Breathe Right strips physically open up your nasal passages, making it easier to breathe, which, in some people prevents snoring or reduces sleep apnea. You'll notice that athletes sometimes wear them to improve their breathing during workouts or games; I wear them because my wife said she heard me stop breathing multiple times during the night. After using Breathe Right strips, she says my snoring is somewhat reduced and the shortness of breath has disappeared. I can't personally vouch for any of this because I'm asleep :) but it's quite clear to me that I breathe easier with them on and that I'm more rested every morning. So 5 stars.

They can be pricey if you buy them at a drugstore you'll be paying about $.50 each, or close to $200 per year. Perhaps you can find these in bulk cheaper at a warehouse store, but the only place I've found them is through this seller on Amazon (I've bought from them twice with excellent results), where you can lower the price to ~$.33 each after shipping.

However, if you've never used the product before, try buying a small box locally first because there are two sizes (Small/Medium and Large) and two very different styles (clear and tan). You don't need a huge nose to need Large, so it may take a fitting or two to figure out which size is right for you. Similarly, the clear and tan variants are not just cosmetic: the clear version is much less sticky. Some prefer this because it comes off easier in the morning. Others need the tan, which has much stronger adhesive, just for it to work in the first place. In either case, you'll need to wash and dry your nose before application so that your natural facial oils don't get in the way of the adhesive.

Once you've figured out what you need, you can buy in bulk here on amazon.


Read Best Reviews of Breathe Right-Large Tan Nasal Strips, 100ct Here

I can see how these would work for someone with small nasal passages or nostrils that are a little "collapsed." However, if you suffer allergies or a cold which causes your nasal membranes to swell, don't bother getting these. They don't work, and if you think about it, they COULDN'T. If your membranes are swollen, you could prop your nostrils wide with tubes the size of silver dollars, and it won't help a whit. I have to give only 2 stars because all advertising related to this product indicates it works for allergies and the like, and that is blatantly false. I gave these a shot because I haven't had free breathing in a good 12 years. I hoped against hope these would help in even the slightest way, but they didn't at all. If you suffer congestion due to allergies or cold, save your money and save yourself the disappointment.

Want Breathe Right-Large Tan Nasal Strips, 100ct Discount?

These work extremely well. I do not wear them every night since I am not always congested.. but when I am, these really open up the nasal passage and allow easy breathing.. and of course, reduces snoring.

Something about the sizes.. I started off on the large and they were just a little too big (I thought) and then tried the medium. The medium is really small and should only be used by people with very small noses.


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