Source Naturals Melatonin 2.5mg, Peppermint

Source Naturals Melatonin 2.5mg, Peppermint, 240 TabletsI work an afternoon shift that ends late in the evening.

I get drowsly when my body's own melatonin begins to kick in at dusk, though it will be at least 3-4 hours later until I actually get home and put my head to the pillow. By the time I do crawl into bed (11pm) I am still hyped up by the day's activities and unable to calm my body and mind down into a slumber state. In many cases, it takes at least an hour for me to finally get some sleep and then I am up 6.5 hours later as soon as the sun rises in the sky.

I have always known about Melatonin, but never thought it would actually work. In fact, someone bought me a bottle a few years back and I ended up throwing it away without even opening it.

With the rising difficulties I faced each evening trying to get to sleep and my body waking me up at sunrise, I felt myself getting more and more frustrated. When you don't get a full night's worth of sleep you spend your day in a zombie-like state with a heaviness pressing upon your brain.

The time had finally come where I had enough! I needed to find a way to fall asleep faster. I went on Amazon, searched through the list of Melatonin products being offered by various companies and decided upon Source Naturals based on the amount of positive reviews.

So, once I received the bottle I waited about 45 minutes prior to bedtime and I popped one of the Peppermint flavored pills in my mouth, letting it reside below my tongue to dissolve. It is my understanding that this method of ingesting Melatonin is the most effective.

Sure enough, within about 30 minutes my head started feeling heavy and whoozy. I laid my head on the pillow and best I can remember, I was asleep within 15 minutes. Furthermore, the two times I woke up in the middle of the night, I felt overly groggy which helped me to immediately go back to sleep.

Now, you read all the reviews from Amazon customers and one has no idea exactly what amount you need to take. Most agree that 2.5MG is more Melatonin than one actually needs (I read that the body only requires 0.3MG), however there are some people that say they need 5-10mg worth in order for them to feel drowsy.

Also, nobody seems to be able to pinpoint how long before bed you should take Melatonin. It seems that 1 hour is the best guess. For me, it's anywhere between 30-45 minutes.

Now, you may have realized I did not give this product a 5 star review.

I have some concerns. First, I noticed that Melatonin works much better when taken periodically. I started using it as a crutch for a few consecutive nights and I noticed that it would not work nearly as well as if I took it sporadically.

I also noticed that there is a slight "groggy" hangover that one has in the morning. In a way, this has been helpful as it allows my body to sleep much later than it normally had. For some, however, it may actually hinder you from wanting to get out of bed in the morning.

I am also somewhat worried about the dangers of taking this supplement. I have heard some say that taking too much Melatonin will cause the body to stop producing its own supply.

I suppose the main point I wanted to make in this review is that I am quite surprised by the effectiveness of this product. I never believed that Melatonin would even work for me. It's not nearly effective as a sleeping pill (whereas you just get knocked out), but it does promote groginess and prepares your body for sleep at odd times when your body usually won't.

Most sleep aids either give you such a buzz that you can not sleep or knock you out and you wake up wondering if you slept. Melatonin aids me when I am on the cusp of sleeping. The big advantage for me is that instead of just being knocked out I actually go through all the stages including dreaming. Once the light hits my eyes in the morning I am ready to hit the deck running.

Buy Source Naturals Melatonin 2.5mg, Peppermint Now

half a pill helps me fall asleep faster and deeper, increase dreams though, and I don't feel drowsy in the morning, easy to get up:)

Read Best Reviews of Source Naturals Melatonin 2.5mg, Peppermint Here

It may not have been 20 years, but I've been using this one for a loooong time. I've recommended it a lot for regulating sleep patterns, and it doesn't always work for other people, but I would hate to be without it, so I try to keep a spare jar. I've shopped around, tried a few other brands when they were easier to find, but they always end up in a drawer because they don't seem to work as well, and as soon as I can get the Source Naturals sublingual 2.5, that's all I use. I didn't know for many years that it's also supposed to be an anti-aging nutrient. That's the icing on the cake.

I take it at the same time every night, as soon as I get into bed, and within 15 minutes I'm drowsy. My sister seems to be hooked on Ambien, but I gave her some Melatonin, and it didn't work for her. Maybe her body was accustomed to being drugged, I don't know.

Want Source Naturals Melatonin 2.5mg, Peppermint Discount?

Six or seven years ago, I developed a mild case of insomnia. When inquiring at the local health food store, they suggested Melatonin. I bought 90 tab bottle of the orange and Voila it worked. I wasn't thrilled with the orange taste, so the next time tried the peppermint. The peppermint was fine and so I looked it up on the Internet and found this:I have been using nightly since. It's not addictive, has a pleasant flavor and withing 1/2 hour, I'm sleeping very well. I have suggested it to my children and we are a well rested family.


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