This product contains nothing more than dozens of others like it that combine herbs that are supposed to help one sleep better. They certainly don't work for me. The makers claim that tis product addresses the causes of sleep apnea!? Not! Most sleep apnea sufferers have obstructive sleep apnea meaning that either their nasal passages or mouth airway (or both) do not allow the full passage of air due to anatomical issues, congestion, etc. So even if this product helped you doze off and stay asleep you would still struggle to breath properly. Don't be fooled! The positive reviews may well be written by the makers or marketers.

This is the next best thing. I can't say that it has cured my sleep apnea, but it has improved my quality of life A LOT. Basically it's a very mild herbal remedy that keeps you breathing more strongly while you sleep. This puts me into a deep sleep and I'm able to stay asleep for a good 6, 7, or 8 hours. There is no downside, and it's not habit forming in any way.
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I started giving this to my husband a few months ago. Since the first night, he didn't stop breathing. It's a blessing!
Read Best Reviews of Sleep Apnea Relief Here
I believe that this product has eliminated all symptoms of sleep apnea. There has also been an improvement in my blood pressure.. I consider it a blessing that I discovered this product before I had o go on a machine.
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I have been using this product in conjunction with a sleep angel for about 3 nights and I can already tell a marked difference. I suffer from moderate sleep apnea, so I'm not sure what the results would be for someone with more sever apnea, but I am VERY pleased!
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