Phenibut Powder

Primaforce Phenibut Bulk Powder 100 Grams tubWhat is Phenibut? Of the four major neurotransmitters in the brain, GABA is the inhibitory neurotransmitter that allows the brain to shut down so a person can go to sleep. Researchers using brain scans have found that people with chronic insomnia have 30 percent less GABA on average in their brains than normal people. Also, virtually all sleep-inducing medications such as the benzodiazepines and sleeping pills like Ambien work on GABA receptors in the brain. You can purchase GABA at any vitamin/supplement store, but it is worthless because GABA cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Phenibut, discovered by the Soviets in the 1960s, is GABA that has been chemically modified by adding a phenol ring so it can pass through the blood-brain barrier. The Soviets included it in the med kits of their cosmonauts for space flights.

I find that it works wonderfully, in that when I wake up naturally during the night, I can go right back to sleep again, while that is typically very difficult or impossible if I am not using some substance like Phenibut. I have never experienced any side effects whatsoever.

However, apparently Phenibut can create a powerful dependence if it is used on a daily basis, or is used in dosages that are far too high. The instructions state that one should not use it for more than three days consecutively without a three day washout period. Personally, I never use any medication or supplement on consecutive days that can create a dependence. With Phenibut, I use 900 milligrams a couple of hours before going to bed, and use it only for one night followed by several nights without it (using another medication like a benzo for sleep if necessary on those nights).

Regarding the reviews that state horrific side effects and withdrawal problems, you will note that these people don't mention what dosage they were taking and apparently they were either overdosing, using Phenibut on too many consecutive nights, or both, and created a physical dependency. In this regard, I would agree that this is a supplement that probably should have become a prescription medication, but fell through the cracks. Clearly, a certain percentage of the population has no business self-medicating with substances that can create powerful dependencies.

This product has been a lifesaver for me. I've suffered from generalized anxiety/social anxiety for roughly 10 years and have been prescribed everything from tranquilizers to antidepressants...all of which have not worked and have made the symptoms worse. I take roughly 1200 mgs 3x a week and my anxiety is almost nonexistent at this point. It also seems to have helped dramatically with my depression and insomnia. I highly, highly recommend this product and am surprised it hasn't been made more mainstream. Definitely a customer for life.

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What can I say ..I'm not sure just how it works but this stuff feels like a life saver for me. I can't take it everyday but maybe 3 times a week. I usually take it if I'm going out or going to be around allot of people or when my nerves are just bad. I tend to get anxiety and this stuff makes me feel so much better. I like to take it on an empty stomach so it works faster. And it usually last the whole day. Becareful if u take it before u drink cause it will intensify it! Anywho I highly recommend this.

Read Best Reviews of Phenibut Powder Here

Phenibut is awesome!

I take it with OJ in the morning and a couple hours later I feel GREAT the rest of the day. More calm, but more energy and motivation to get things done. Helps GREATLY with anxiety and makes me so much more social and comfortable with myself.

That being said, it is VERY easy to get addicted to those feelings, and Phenibut should NOT be taken everyday.

It's rough on the liver, not to mention that you WILL get withdrawals if you suddenly stop after prolonged daily use. '

I used Phenibut every day for about 3 months, and it was great other than some stomach problems. When I stopped I had bad withdrawal for about 4 days, then just felt off for for a good couple months.

Now I use it NO MORE than twice a week, and its a wonder supplement.

Dont abuse phenibut, or it will abuse you.

Gotta learn the hard way sometimes, but learn from me telling you if you can.

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I read other reviews here and thought I'd give it a try..I don't have much faith in supplements in general, but this works! I have trouble starting conversations with strangers, so to test it I took it and went to a bar. Usually, even with excessive alcohol consumption I'm unable to start good conversation with random people. With this Phenibut, however, I was talking to strangers all night! Even really cute girls!

If you have any social anxiety at all, BUY SOME, it will most likely wipe it away!

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