Natrol Melatonin 3 mg 240 Tablets

Natrol Melatonin 3 mg 240 TabletsI travel about 150,000 miles every year, mostly for pleasure and mostly international. When I do travel, its usually for a few days one week at most. This Melatonin product is the only reason why I can do this. I pop 1/2 to 3/4 of a tablet about 20 minutes prior to sleeping. After this 20 minutes, I begin to feel sleepy and start dozing off. Before I know it, its been a good 8 hours sleep!

This is no miracle drug. You must avoid all caffeine about 5 hours prior to your planned bedtime, no high sugars, no crazy exercise. Melatonin assists you to fall asleep. When asleep, it assists you to reach and maintain a very deep sleep high REM. Some people claim they wake up drowsy if so, simply take less Melatonin. The dosage is different for each person, and only you will know what amount is right for you based on experience.

But the best aspect of all is that its all-natural with no synthetics, so its almost impossible to overdose on it. Its also not habit forming at all, unlike some prescription medication. Melatonin is a naturally occuring hormone that induces your body to sleep, and this maker of melatonin has been one of the best for me. (Absorption, ability to break into smaller pieces, and value!)

Your body naturally produces melatonin, in response to change in light. Your eyes take in light, and your optic nerve is like a little pathway, by which your hypothalamus, (in the center of the brain) takes in, regulates, and responds to a whole bunch of *stuff.*

This *stuff* includes the body's circadian rhythm; how it regulates cycles of energy and metabolism, that is, sleep, awake, and hunger.

If for some reason your body is off schledule, taking melatonin produces what your body is too confused to produce at the moment. So if you take this supplement, you trick your body into thinking that the hypothalamus has given it the go-ahead, to sleep.

This works well, especially if you are off-schledule from time to time.

Buy Natrol Melatonin 3 mg 240 Tablets Now

I unfortunately didn't realize it when I purchased this product (buy 1 get 1 free) at the grocery store. If it weren't for my insomnia/jet-lag I would have read the ingredients more carefully. BUT these pills have Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil. Now I'm stuck with two bottles of this melatonin and can't take it for its high risk for causing trans-fat related health problems!

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