Dream Essentials Hush Children's Travel and Sleep Mask, Rainbow Stars

Dream Essentials Hush Children's Travel and Sleep Mask, Rainbow StarsWe got this for our son, who is almost 4 years old. His room can't be darkened during the day, so we've found that a mask helps a lot at nap time. Until now we'd been using an adult-sized sleep mask, but it doesn't fit will.

The Dream Essentials mask fits his face very well. It's also very thick and soft, which I imagine helps it adjust to the contours of faces of different sizes and shapes (though it may get kind of warm).

The strap is a huge letdown. It is way too small for our son. Did I mention that he isn't even 4 yet? With a strap this small it almost seems like it should be sold as a baby's mask, not a children's mask.

A large part of the problem is the ridiculous positioning of the velcro fasteners, the "hook" part of each fastener is right at the end of the strap, which makes sense, but the "loop" part is so far in that they're almost in the middle of the strap. This makes the strap effectively several inches shorter than it would have been had the loop fasteners been placed right next to the hook fasteners. We ended up unstitching the fasteners and sewing them back on in a sensible location. That was a lot more work than I really wanted to put into a sleep mask, though.

The overall design of the strap also makes it not very adjustable. It would have made more sense to have the strap consist of two separate pieces attached to the mask, with a small "hook" fastener on one, and a really long "loop" fastener on the other (similar to what's used on the back of many baseball caps).


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