Johnson & Johnson Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bubble Bath and Wash, 28 Fluid Ounce

Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bubble Bath and Wash, 28  OunceOur daughter who is 2.5 now has been using this forever. It smells nice and doesn't sting her eyes. However, I find that I go through the bottle pretty fast. It would be better if the soap was more concentrated.

I was using this product for the 1st year of my daughter's life until I found out it wass rated 7/10 on EWG's health and beauty product toxicity rating. The fragrances in the product are made from toxic chemicals which are absorbed into your baby's body through the skin. I was upset and disappointed that a product used on newborn babies was this toxic! I don't use this junk anymore.

Buy Johnson & Johnson Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bubble Bath and Wash, 28 Fluid Ounce Now

but I prefer Burts Bee's scent and the fact that it is almost all natural. But this is good for cheap baby bubble bath-I wouldnt use it as soap though..

Read Best Reviews of Johnson & Johnson Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bubble Bath and Wash, 28 Fluid Ounce Here

I was desperate to get my son to sleep better to save my sanity. I began a nap routine and bedtime routine. I began using this bubble bath every evening as part of the bedtime routine. I follow it up with the bedtime lavender lotion. I don't think this alone would make a big difference, but it certainly helps in conjunction with other things. Lavender anything seems to help in the process of getting babies to sleep. (I also highly recommend the book "The no cry sleep solution" by Elizabeth Pantley to get other ideas to help with the sleeping process.) I also use and love Aveeno baby wash with lavender but this seems to make more bubbles which my son likes to play in. Anyway, my son has been sleeping much better. I'm still not getting a lot of sleep though because I rush into his room freaking out that he's been sleeping longer than usual. Getting better about it though!

Want Johnson & Johnson Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bubble Bath and Wash, 28 Fluid Ounce Discount?

I start using this produce when my son was 2 months old and I still using it, it's a great product and helped my son to be calm and relax before bedtime.

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