4 Takara Detox Foot Patches- Sample Pack - These Detoxification Foot Patches Detoxify the Body While

4 Takara Detox Foot Patches- Sample Pack - These Detoxification Foot Patches Detoxify the Body While You Sleep. More Restful Sleep, Reduce Fatigue, Remove Toxins.I'll have to get some more of these. They're easy to use and seem to do the trick. Thanks.

In my opinion, If you Google this product you will run into correspondence to Journal from Jacquie Lynne Lemke, Orthomolecular Nutritionist and Hair Tissue Analyst, (pdf) that claims that un-used patches tested high in heavy metals. That is the heavy metals came with the patches 'ready made'. Another tester claimed that the chemical make-up of the patches were the same as what you would find in a bag of kitty-litter. That would be ,2005, 4th quarter.I bought some of these and used them. After reading the correspondence I opened a 'patch' and poured tap water onto the patch and guess what; same dark color, same smell, turned hard as a brick.

In my opinion, if a person could buy a bag of kitty litter, crush it, add some smell, put it in a patch and sell it for a buck and half to three dollars a piece...

If these things could pass a peer review and in a clinical study show that they drew heavy metals through the skin; I would be the first to line up with checkbook in hand.

Buy 4 Takara Detox Foot Patches- Sample Pack - These Detoxification Foot Patches Detoxify the Body While Now


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