Apothecary Products Flents Quiet Please Foam Ear Plugs 50-Pair

Apothecary Products Flents Quiet Please Foam Ear Plugs  50-PairAnother revision (as of 6/2012): I think that Flents heard the complaints from long time users. I recently ordered the other Flents Quiet Please...the ones that are hexagonal foam. Although they got positive reviews on Amazon, they were not as good as the original. I returned them and again ordered the 50 pr jar. I am pleasantly surprised! One pair is again lasting 5 days with very effective sound blocking. I won't delete my original review because it shows that sellers can respond to buyers complaints. Thank You Flents.

Revised review alert! Below is the review I wrote upon recieving the 50pr container in January (I thought I was getting a good buy)...I had a small box to go through and didn't open and use this order until last week. As another critic said, Flents seems to have changed the quality and not for the better. The good news is that they still are comfortable and block noise as effectively. The bad news is that where as I used to be able to get at least 4 nights wear out of one pair, this new order is barely usable for 2 wearings. I had an older pair that I keep in a travel kit and the difference is noticeable...the new foam is softer and breaks down faster. They are also slightly shorter. Shame on Flents for diminishing the quality of a wonderful product. So much for the good price I thought I was getting. I would rather pay a bit more as the price of consistancy. But having said that, below is my original review:

I've been using Flents Quiet Please Ear Plugs for a few years now...I wish I had known about them years before. They are far better than Hearos, Macks, or even the other Flent earplug styles for noise blocking and comfort. Watch what you buy because Flent's also makes another Quiet Please model(called Ear Stopples) and a plastic foam style called Quiet Time...these are not the same! The only drawback is that they do have to be disposed of within 3-6 uses. But that's not really a big deal. Here are a few usage tips if you have a hard time inserting them:

1)Moisten your ear canal with a few drops of water with one hand while you roll the plug as tightly as possible with the other.

2)Pull you ear away from you head with the opposite hand while you insert the plug.

3)Open you mouth as wide as possible...this seems to help open the canal.

4)Work quickly...the plugs start to expand within seconds. If it doesn't go immediately, don't attempt to stuff in the expanded plug. Re-roll the plug and re-mositen you ear.

5)Don't expect both ear canals to be the same angle. For me, the right one always goes in more easily than the left. Be patient...it may take several tries before you get a sense of the angle of each ear.

I live in a dorm, and it can get extremely noisy very quickly, especially on weekends. I use these to study and to sleep. They are extremely helpful, and I cannot hear much with these, even a roommate tapping away at the keys of her computer. I recommend these to anyone who wants some peace and quiet.

Buy Apothecary Products Flents Quiet Please Foam Ear Plugs 50-Pair Now

I've been using these 29 DB Quiet Please earplugs for years, so I finally bought them in a large quantity (50 pairs). Sadly, this big plastic jar of earplugs contains a different quality product than what I was used to. They're a harder foam and slightly bigger than the ones I'd bought in small sets in stores in the past. They hurt my ears, especially when I'm sleeping on my side and it gets pressed further into my ear. Also, the crackly noise they normally make when they're first expanding in your ear canal doesn't always go away. They make that noise randomly at other times, too.

Another reviewer complained of these same problems, but I disagree with someone who said they're not effective. They do block outside noise very well. I live in a noisy apartment building in New York City, and these are the reason I can get some rest. I might have to experiment with other kinds, though, if this new hard foam and large size is the standard for this brand now. I found another kind that's for women's smaller ears and made of a softer foam.

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These are inexpensive enough to keep some in my pocket for emergencies. I also use them at the theater. Some times the theater likes to jack up the sound to over ride the ambient sound created by the concentrations of minors, at other times movies change volume between music and dialog. These plugs are efficient in insertion and extraction.

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I had to comment on the posts complaining that the quality of these have diminished as of late. I've been using these for years, and the quality has remained consistant throughout. It seems the complaints have to do with these not holding up for multiple night's use. I do occasionally flip them to the opposite side to get a second night's use out of them and found these to be as effective as on the first night. On those rare occasions when I've needed to use them several time in a day (e.g. on an airplane when they must be removed to converse with the flight attendant), I've found that three or four re-uses is the max before they lose their ability to flex back, but this has always been the case. I have noticed no change in the quality of these in the decade I've been wearing them.

Long story short, I can't sleep without earplugs. I've tried EVERY brand on the market and found these to be the most comfortable and best at sound reduction. I also take a couple pair along on an airplane when travelling, and to concerts where the volume may be cranked up to the point of discomfort for me. These take the edge off loud music making it enjoyable instead of ear-splitting.

In these bulk containers, they're as inexpensive as it gets (less than 20 cents per single use at 6/27/11 price including shipping). So why re-use them in the first place?

Highly recommended.

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