Avalon Aire Super Deluxe Chin Strap

Avalon Aire Super Deluxe Chin StrapI buy these for my Sleep Center. They are better than Respironics. They do not appear to stretch out and may even be softer on the face.

This may work for some people but I found it uncomfortable. I bought about 5 different anti snore devices, all under $30, some closer to $5, this one went into the charity bag after 5 minutes of wearing it. I put it on, laid down and my jaw started aching and I couldn't fall asleep. I hadn't ground my teeth in a long time but this started that up. So off to charity it goes.

But some people may be able to use it and find it comfortable but I will stick with the spirals that go into your nose! Those seem to work for me.

Buy Avalon Aire Super Deluxe Chin Strap Now

This chin strap has a problem. The larger part of the chin strap that goes around the chin and the top of the head is fine. However, the two velcro straps that go around the back of the head are too short and too tight. There isn't much way to fix this. That problem pretty much destroys the value of the chin strap.

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