About 30 45 minutes after swallowing a single capsule, I was so mellow, I nearly nodded out at the computer and fell out of my chair! I felt such profound relaxation, it was as though I was blissfully stoned. A feeling of comforting warmth and well-being enveloped me from head to toe. I took a second capsule and carefully made my way to the bedroom, where I had the most gorgeous, luxurious sleep. Lidtke Complete almost immediately enveloped me in a sense of serenity and happiness. My mood was instantly uplifted from irritable and stressed to pleasant and dreamy.
This has been a consistent experience I've had with this brand and formulation. You simply have to try it to believe it! Lidtke does have their own web site, where you can read materials online and request that literature be mailed to you. Sometimes they offer specials. I recommend having a look... you will receive a very thorough education and understand precisely how this formulation works. And when I say I was skeptical, please know I was convinced that nothing could surpass a Benzodiazepine.. I was stunned by how potent L-Tryprophan Complete is -and what is additionally superior is that this product elevates mood and is not addictive. It is much better and kinder than SSRI antidepressants because you are not selectively blocking reuptake of serotonin, thus keeping more of it around. You are actually creating more of this mood-enhancer, rather than "recycling" the amount of serotonin that's already in your brain. When you are suffering from depletion, the SSRI antidepressant will take some period of time to work and may and may not be optimal for you.
With this supplement, in my experience, the effects are nearly immediate and there are none of the annoying side-effects so often associated with SSRI medications. Of course, if you are taking any prescribed SSRI or SSNRI, you put yourself at risk by using L-Tryptophan ~ too much serotonin can be life-threatening: you must choose one or the other and titrating down from a pharmaceutical antidepressant is not a quick and easy accomplishment. Do not *ever* attempt to simply stop taking a prescribed antidepressant if you've taken it for a month or more ~ get on a titration schedule approved by your Doctor.
To continue, I later purchased Lidtke's Complete formula through a health food store in a town where I lived. They stocked only one of the Lidtke products, one used for chronic pain which apparently was effective ~ this store carried many items based strictly upon customer requests and demand. I needed to make a special order and wait a few weeks until the store, which had a limited operating budget, would have enough requests for Lidtke products to obtain an order at discounted or wholesale prices.
In the meantime, I sought a workable substitute: thus, I would rate "Source Naturals" L-Tryptophan as a good substitute for Lidtke's pure L-tryptophan, but you will need to add at the very least vitamin B-6 (ideally, those who are stressed use the activated co-enzyme formula of B-6 known as P-5-P) to create the necessary conversion of L-tryptophan to 5-HTP in the brain, rather than in your bloodstream. The objective is to create a fresh supply of serotonin within the brain and not create potential for serotonin syndrome. Source Natures also makes a combination formulation, but I have not tried it. I would guess, based on the very good quality of their L-Tryptophan that it is also a good substitute: like a Cadillac compares to a BMW. Both are luxurious and powerful. One is slightly more luxurious and powerful than the other.
And no, I have not found any manufacturer's 5-HTP ever to be a superior means of achieving relaxation and elevated mood (and again, I always add B-6), even though it is a less expensive and more direct way of elevating serotonin levels. There is something in the conversion process which enhances relaxation. And I've never been able to achieve the Great Mood and gorgeous peace that I have with the L-Tryptophan Complete.
I'm impressed and pleased to find Lidtke products available through an Amazon Seller...quite convenient, as just one of the three health food stores in the nearest "big city" that requires a 60-mile round-trip stocks a few of the Lidtke products, but none of them are the "Complete" formula and this store actually marks these products with a price that's higher than full retail (!). As I said, the cost of Lidtke products are typically more expensive, but there is a real reason for this which has nothing to do with "snob appeal". Quite simply, you are paying for true pharmaceutical-grade products and each batch is tested to ensure the batch meets their high quality standards.
You can safely find very good equivalents from Source Naturals and often pay substantially less ~ but once you've experienced the Lidtke product, you will feel a bit let down even by that which is very good. The difference is obvious to me: one is trustworthy, high quality and gets the job done; the other does that and takes you quickly to Nirvana, as well. Those of you who would prefer not nodding out and being enveloped by a feeling of incredible peace may prefer to use Source Naturals, which will help you to relax and sleep and incrementally improve your mood. Whatever you choose ~ enjoy!I have difficulty staying asleep at night, and have used Melatonin for years. However, I still suffered sleeplessness as I would wake up in the night. I tried the L-Tryptophan, and I have very little problem with sleep at night now! Sometimes I take Melatonin along with it, and really enjoy an even better night's sleep. The drawbacks are strictly related to price. Since the L-Tryptophan dosage is one pill for every 50 pounds of body weight (and this IS important in order to have an effect), with the high cost of the bottle, this does make for an expensive product. However, it works for me, and my sleep is important, so I will continue to take it!
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