SOMABIEN- Natural Sleep Aid - Relax and Fall Asleep - Prescription Strength

SOMABIEN- Natural Sleep Aid - Relax and Fall Asleep - Prescription StrengthI became dependent on prescription sleep aids following back surgery so I was looking for a non-prescription sleep aid to replace the prescription meds. The advertising on this product stated that it was as effective as some prescription sleep aids, so I took the chance with it. It absolutely failed the test. The product was totally ineffective, and was nothing but a waste of money. Product is NOT recommended.

I tried Somabien and the only thing it did was make me a little tired. I never fell asleep at all.

Buy SOMABIEN- Natural Sleep Aid - Relax and Fall Asleep - Prescription Strength Now

The only sleep aid I found to work---which only required a bare minimum of use-discipline (no booze while taking and so forth) -and that one take one or two at most---skipping days here and there to avoid body-tolerance---was Lunexor. Of course---this item has now vanished. Try searching for it, and only similar products come up, and loads of articles skeptical of Lunexor's efficacy, or worse. I'm not one with a conspiratorial bent, but when an item such as Lunexor suddenly can't be bought in the market-place, and then one finds many other items with the key or central ingredient--'Phenibut'---that don't work and require you take several of them--even though their less expensive than Lunexor----it's easy to get suspicious. I also find many links that pop up while searching for Lunexor that are skeptical of it (that's fine, and laudable when honest or part of a serious study)--but I detect a shady--facile-heavy-handedness to some of these articles, or reviews. They seem to be overly-thought-out attacks designed to justify Lunexor not being 'safe.'

I've tried many non-habit forming sleep-aids, including Somabien, and I know I may only speak for myself, but Lunexor had a clear and positive affect on my sleeping, while others did nothing at all. I woke up well-rested. Not only able to sleep through the night, but getting quality sleep without residual pain. Lunexor had a palpable real-affect, and it is easy to speculate that the $$$$sleep business was threatened by it. Why wouldn't they? Whenever something comes along that renders so many other expensive therapies, remedies---possibly useless, like any other industry----the elimination of competition comes into play. Look at most industries and you will see this is the true 'spirit' of the 'free market,' more often than not---elimination--oligopoly---pseudo-choice---market-share domination by less than honest entities.

Lunexor relieved a lot of pain and suffering associated with sleep-difficulties, and now it's impossible to find, eliminated from the market place, while garbage habit forming/dangerous drugs and a lot of useless cheap imitations with the same key ingredient float around. So yes, I'm upset, and I think people are getting ripped off. I know Lunexor might not be for everyone, but I know form being defrauded by many other types of aids that it works if used correctly. If anyone can help me find this product, or explain to me why this product cannot be purchased--I would sincerely appreciate it. At the moment, one can only find no--or vague information that seems to try to shove you into the arms of all the fake junk out there.

Thank you,

Domenic Maltempi

(I don't work in this industry. I'm just an average consumer who is bothered by not being able to get something that helped me, that has vanished without any reasonable explanation.

Read Best Reviews of SOMABIEN- Natural Sleep Aid - Relax and Fall Asleep - Prescription Strength Here

This is the worst and most expensive product to help you sleep. A mouse containing an adult dosage would not fall asleep with this product.

Want SOMABIEN- Natural Sleep Aid - Relax and Fall Asleep - Prescription Strength Discount?

This product works! Very pleased with the results but it is pricey!!!! Would purchase more if cost was less expensive.

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