I'm an engineer so I tend to be analytical in all I do. I contacted every company who makes or resells them asking for just one study by a recognized lab showing that the "brown yucky gunk" I saw each morning was actually from the body. I gave up. All I received were "glowing testimonials". You can get that with sugar pills from people who are desperate for relief. I finally did my own test. I researched body sweat. I made imitation body sweat with the right salts and other minerals of the body then heated it to body temperature. Dipping these pads into the imitation body sweat generated the same brown gunk.
How do they heat the foot to cause it to sweat? There are three rocks found in nature that emit heat naturally. One is radium. Much exposure to that can kill you. But there is another rock that emits heat and is harmless. Mixed with the bark of the Japanese tree used to make these pads, the rocks heat the soles of your feet as you sleep. The resulting sweat soaks into the pads and causes the bark to turn to brown gooey gunk. If it is really toxins from the body, would someone please tell me of an independent and scientifically recognized laboratory who has tested the results for body toxicity. Please, no testimonials. Every company in this business has plenty of those. But actual lab results? I have found none and I REALLY looked. And I REALLY wanted these to work to remove the toxicity that was causing me so much pain, but that was finally alleviated by a doctor diagnosing me with Wilson's Syndrome. I was put on armour thyroid. My metabolism began to work again and detox my body naturally. These pads are like many things. If they truly make you feel better then, by all means, use them. But I know of no scientific evidence that proves they draw out toxicity and I have simulated the process that generates the brown gunk you think is toxicity from your body. Take one pad and put a corner of it into salt water heated to body temperature. You'll have the brown gunk within minutes.I purchased this because I have just gone off a medication that I want to get out of my body. I really liked the feeling this am, I have a lot of energy and do not feel as tired as I have been feeling I think since going off the medication. I also thought it was very easy I had also read on line only to use one at a time alternating feet so I did that right and luckily I have had no chance to drink so did that right too. I ordered the sample pack off of the
Not sure, Amazon wants me to put that but for $3.95, you get to try two patches to see if you like them and then you can order more. I have not experienced the smell as someone else wrote it is very gross to take it off but once I showered, I have been fine all day. Maybe do not use three on a foot at a time. Very very cool product happy I found it!!!Check out the Takara Detox Foot Patch website. They have a BBB logo, but check with BBB... not a member!
They reference a Consumer Watch Review here.
They're the top rated foot patch!!! My-oh-my, how wonderful! It's a bogus review site. Check out the root...
Foot patches are the only thing they have ever reviewed.
Not only that, check out some of thermographs & other photos from the 5 "contenders". You'll find some of the exact same pictures on the "competing companies" websites. It's the same people selling the same product on different websites from different "companies" from different addresses (I assume). Look for the foot & hand thermographs in the Takara, Detoxion, and Dtoxpatch websites -exactly the same! Detoxion and Dtoxpatch have the same photos of someones foot (look under medical lab photos for the Dtoxpatch).
I've also noticed all foot patch companies products (including Kinoki that's not in the "review") seem to look exactly the same. The little packets and the sticky bandage look like they all came from the same place. Could be a coincidence? Could be they all bought the bandages and empty packets and stuffed it with their own ingredients?.... I think they're ALL bogus!
And yes, I did try the Takara packets. The patches did not lighten. Looked exactly the same from the 1st used patch to the last after 2 weeks. Hmm... maybe I'm just overloaded with toxins and need to fork out more money to buy a YEAR supply before I notice the patches starting to get lighter.
Trying to get a refund now.
Will post again if I have the time and energy to find more "crap" from the websites. Check the websites (including the BBB) yourself and post anything you might find, as I know many people don't have the time and energy looking into these things on their own. I know I should have posted more website references to make it easier....
Don't take my word for it... check it out for yourself... PLEASE!!!I've tried it and will not every use it again! First of all, it's very very stink! Smells like smoke meat! In addition, it gets very sticky due to the adhesive that you must use. Even after scrubbing my feet the "glue" stays on and the smell never goes away, just like being sprayed by a skunk! I've also tested the integrity of the product because you see pictures where at first the patch is clear in the before photo and black/brown in the after photo. Well, actually I had put water on it and guess what, it turned brown. I have discovered that it is the sweat that causes it to change color. The product, like most others, are too good to be true! I suggest that you don't waste your time or money on this horrible product!These things are all hype. They do nothing. The pads do not get lighter as you use them, they look the same after every night. From what I can tell, the dried vinegar in the pads absorbs your sweat, oxidizes (which makes it look that ugly brown), and stinks. That's all.
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