Smooth Sleepers - 3 Month Supply

Smooth Sleepers - 3 Month SupplyI have had issues with what I call raccoon eyes, not due to dark circles, but because I sleep on my side and press my face into the pillow I get these weird creases around the bottom of the eyes that looks like a mask to me. Recently, upon waking my side sleeper creases appear deeper and more permanent, as I have aged the wrinkles have begun to stay all day, eek.

A tad bit vain I searched the web and found this product. I ordered a 30day supply first as a tester, good results and as a testament I just ordered a 3month supply. They have worked for me to date.

Note: they are a little tricky to peal off and put on...especially regarding placement. Read directions, go slow because you could potentially waste a few. Also, I use a little water on my fingers in the morning to remove them because they can pull a bit on the skin. It almost feels like the tacky side lifts up a layer of dead skin cells, so be careful not to pull or yank off too quickly.

My skin around the eyes is smoother in the morning and the creases around my eyes look better all day. There is still a hint of the wrinkles that were there before, but I look much better. I would love an all over the face peel off mask of sorts too I could use once a week.


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