I can never get to sleep because my mind never WANTS to sleep. I hate sleep in a way because it prevents me from doing what i want. Every moment I'm awake I'm either reading, listening to music, or surfing the internets, ect..
Compoz works great because it makes you drowsy and FORCES you to go to sleep.
The main drawback of compoz is how difficult it makes it to drag yourself out of bed the next morning. On some days I would take the pill around 11pm, fall asleep at 1am, and not wake up till 5 pm. Another drawback, that's more my fault then the pill's, is the tolerance i've built up. I went from one pill a night to 2 pills. Last night i had to take 4 pills. Taking more than 2 pills is a horrible idea because it gives you really bad stomach cramps and I'm afraid that by using this even more it'll cause damage to my stomach.
My advice is only use compoz when you need to. On other days just try to go to bed naturally even if that means not going to bed at all. Take it with a full glass of water to lessen any damage it may do to your stomach. I have no idea if this product can cause any real damage but i didnt want to see for myself so i tried switching to an all natural remedy.
I found out about Calms Forte. Calms Forte didn't work at all, which is the case for most natural remedies i've tried, even after taking 8 tablets (Recommended dose is 3). So far Compoz is the best thing out there in my opinion.
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