Respironics Rechargeable Li Ion Battery for EverGo

Respironics Rechargeable Li Ion Battery for EverGoWe purchased one of these batteries in June 2010 to replace a reduced capability (it was lasting about half as long as when new) original battery that came with the EverGo about two years before that. We purchased another new one of these batteries in late January 2011.

In December 2010, the first new battery failed it would no longer charge. Note that they bear the Resperonics mfr logo and manufacturing information of "Resperonics Deutschland..., 6600mAh,Ref 900-102". They look and feel like the real thing.

In January 2011 I started trying to get it returned as I understood they sold with a 1 year warranty when I purchased from Amazon.

Resperonics said they only had a 30 day warranty on their batteries. But the seller, Medical Dept. Store, should support the product for a year. Medical Dept. Store said that since I purchased through Amazon, I have a one year warranty and provided me with an RMA number to get it repaired/replaced. I sent it back with this RMA number in late January and more than 30 days later, on February 26th, I have yet to hear from them and yet to receive the replacement battery for the one I sent them; Four weeks now and counting.

Since my father needs the full capability of his EverGo, we purchased a second battery on January 28th 2011 to have him with a full functioning POC. I am pretty sure that when I purchased it the site showed a one year warranty. The brand new battery went into service on February 4th and it failed today, February 26th, after about 40 hours of actual use of the POC with the battery. I logged on to return it today and discovered that Amazon will not return or exchange the sellers products. The seller, Medical Department Store now says they have a TEN DAY warranty and that after that I have to go through the manufacturer.

From my experience with the manufacturer in January, Resperonics will tell you that "...they cannot provide any service except through the seller as they are not licensed to do that in the United States..."

Bottom line is that Resperonics appears to be selling defective equipment and is not supporting it properly. I guess I have yet to find out how this will finally turn out.

These are roughly $230 batteries and now they won't even stand behind them for more than 30 days from the mfr and ten days from the seller. Wow. Their confidence in their own product speaks volumes.

By the way, our Resperonics Evergo POC has been back to the shop twice for repairs with light use in the almost three years it has now been owned. Yes, we got it fixed under the two year warranty twice, but with little use that is a terrible quality record and what will they gouge us for next time, when it is out of warranty?

Resperonics disappoints with a record of two out of two replacement $230 batteries having total product failure in five months first new battery) and 22 days (2nd new battery) in service, respectfully.

I hope a third party battery manufacturer like Tenergy can come out with a good aftermarket product for these POC's! In the meantime, good luck.

I received this unit very quickly, and used it on four flights and a seven days cruise, I used this item in rotation with the original equipment batteries. [ASIN:B0016L4JC2 Respironics Rechargeable Li Ion Battery for EverGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator] It failed to charge after 6 weeks of use pn 900-102 lot# 1050B sn # A54003. Refund is being applied for. Supplier was Medical Department Stores. Unit was marked "Shelf life expires June 2011 battery charge"!!!I contacted the supplier and returned the defective unit to them for return to manufacturer for replacement, I received the replacement, sn 06837 lot# 0929b failed to charge after only 10 days of use. I returned it also but have not yet received a replacement. I ordered and promptly received another one from "SIMPLE" That unit is working well. Two of two provided by Medicial Dept Stores have failed failed within 6 weeks. Those from other suppliers are still working.

Buy Respironics Rechargeable Li Ion Battery for EverGo Now

I have an Respironics EverFlo stationary concentrator ($550) and a Respironics EverGo portable concentrator ($3500).

The EverFlo failed at 9 months, but was replaced under warranty.

The EverGo power cord failed after 13 months and was not covered under warranty. I had to replace it for $165.

I bought four batteries with the EverGo. Two of them have failed completely. They each have approximately 400 hours on them. As you can see, to replace them would cost me approximately $450.

When I bought the EverGo I bought an offboard charger ($325) for the batteries. It failed after approximately 1 year. The warranty on it was 90 days, but I managed to take it apart and fix it myself with some solder, and it seems to be working again.

I bought my own equipment because I believed that it would be cheaper for me in the long run than paying my insurance company's copayment. I was so, so wrong.

Read Best Reviews of Respironics Rechargeable Li Ion Battery for EverGo Here

The Li-ion batteries that power the Repironics EverGo oxygen concentrator are subject to repeated failure after minimal usage,i.e., they may discharge and can not be recharged while installed in the concentrator an EverGo Smart Battery Charger/Recalibrator (another $200) may be required to recharge the battery. This situation makes the system less portable, more expensive and more cumbersome than its competitors if a recalibrator is needed. Respironics has known about this problem for years and apparently is unwilling or unable to fix it. I would not recommend the purchase of an EverGo concentrator for this reason.

Want Respironics Rechargeable Li Ion Battery for EverGo Discount?

I have a respironics everGo concentrator. I have a great deal of independance with this machine. I can go about 8 hours with the two batteries that it came with. I have found that I still run out of power at special events and it is inconvenient to use the chargers that I have. With this new battery, I now have another approx. 4 hours. This is more than enough to have a GREAT DAY where ever I happen to be. Thanks for the awesome service in supplying this to me.


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