The Comfort + is a great adjustable air bed that is 4 in 1. In my online research, I found out about the benefits of sleeping at an incline can help reduce the pains of sleep apnea, snoring, Acid Reflux, and GERDS. That was why the recliner was the best for me compared to a flat bed, but I miss sleeping in my own bedroom. Suffering from Osteoarthritis, my sleep can be hard especially when pain persists in the hips, knees, hands, feet, and spine. The Comfort + helps me relieve a lot of pain and I only added a pillow and placed under my knees. There was no need to buy another knee pillow that are so expensive in the market these days. I also use a simple neck pillow and I'm off to Lala Land!
Thank you to the inventor of Comfort +, Victor M. Kasatshko, owner of
VMK Innovations. I have corresponded with him a few times and he gave me the best customer service. I believe in this product and very happy that I saw this online. I am not affiliated with this business, but I highly recommend this. I also believe in "to each his own," so this might not work for everyone. Following instructions and not over inflating for me does wonders. Find your comfort zone in Comfort + and there will be no regrets. Comfort + is not a cure to our pain issues, but will relieve. I'm sure a lot of pain sufferers also take their medicine regularly and this bed helps. I used to be a hiker and backpacker on my strong days, but since I still love the outdoors, I am taking my Comfort + in car camping trips this summer. Good luck to the reader of this review who suffers from chronic pain. I hope you find comfort in Comfort +.I just bought this product and was disappointed after using it for a couple of days. Air leaks even if I tighten the lids well. I am only 140 lbs. I tried different adjustments on how much air to put in to see if it makes any difference but still, after watching a movie using this, the product loses air and requires re filling, otherwise it becomes too soft. I would not recommend this product at all.Doctor told me to try sleeping in a recliner or get an adjustable bed. We do not have a recliner and the adjustable bed is too expensive. I turned to Amazon and was pleased to find this product. It works great.
I do understand why the product instructions state not to use all 3 chambers inflated in bed since it does elevate you a bit higher when you sit up to get out of bed. It is a bit strange at first but after a few nights I have now adjusted myself to the fact that my bed is higher. The elderly and less agile need to heed the manufacturer's suggestions of use. I am 55 and in good health other than some minor issues at this point.As someone else has stated once you let out enough air for it to be comfortable you get enveloped, or fall into the horse shaped incliner sections. The seller did give a couple suggestions but they did not work for me. And as for trying to return the product the seller stated
See bullet-point #4 of
TF8&nodeId=901926&qid=1329443253&sr=1-2 .seller has the right to withhold
up to 50% when the product is returned "not in its original condition". We
only withhold 20%."
As if that makes it any better? It would be nice for seller to post that in his description as others have.
So you lose the shipping cost to you, you lose the shipping cost sending it back and you lose 20%, might as well keep it for the $ lost.
So be aware, if you dont like it, you just lost at least $60. I would go elsewhere first. Or try something local.
Or it may be perfect for you as others have said, but it's your choice to try it, just wanted you to be fully informed.
ThanksHad hernia surgery and am very happy my daughter found this product and bought it for me. Recovery after the hospital was a breeze and recouped much faster due to not over-exerting my surgery site while trying to get out of bed. Told my doctor about the Comfort+ and he now recommends it for after surgery.
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