Not only can I handle the tough situations, I can power through them. I take a little bigger dose at night and can fall into a restful sleep and not wake up with the drugged groggy feeling. Finally relief with no prescriptions.I was desperate to get even just a little rest that I had even tried prescription meds. I have chronic anxiety and am so restless at night I would keep my Hubby awake. It had gotten to the point where I considered 2 hours of restless sleep a good night. After hearing about this supplement I decided it was worth a shot. Am I so glad I did! I am now up to five hours of peaceful sleep a night, and can function through out the day with out several panic attacks.
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I call this the make mommy mellow special. No matter how harried I am, how much daily crap I deal with, I can take this and feel better very quickly. It takes the stress out of my sails and lets me focus on getting things done, not worrying about the five hundred more things that need to follow. At night when I am having issues sleeping a good dose of this in some chamomile tea and I will sleep like a baby right through to the alarm clock sounding off.Read Best Reviews of 5-HTP Powder 10 Grams + FREE Primaforce Phenibut Powder 100 Grams Here
Definitely works for depression. I heard some people say its only for mild depression i say it depends on the person. I went through a period of severe depression and I refuse to take any anti depressants and have always been this way. Anyways, my dad told me about 5 htp and when I read it was a natural supplement I was very skeptical. Since I was already going through some bad depression I felt like I had nothing to lose so I started taking 100mg a day. After about 5 days I could not believe how I felt. I was happy, the depression left and I had a lot more energy. Just to make sure, I also took it at other times when I was depressed and it always lifts the funk. This stuff is amazing. I only take it for a month at a time and I find it keeps you good for a long time, sometimes months. I retake it if I start feeling down and out. The nice thing about it is there are no withdrawal effects if you stop taking it. When I do take it, it does give me a slight headache sometimes but well worth the trade off.Want 5-HTP Powder 10 Grams + FREE Primaforce Phenibut Powder 100 Grams Discount?
I get headaches from melatonin so I have been looking for something else to help me sleep. I thought I would give this a try. The first couple of weeks and it knocked me right out. Then it stopped working so well. I adjusted my dosage up a little bit and I am back sleeping again. The price is steep but you don't use very much so it evens out. It also shipped fast.
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