Now all applause to the vendor for giving us this very refined form of extrememly pure 5-htp, LiftMode. Liftmode actually does deliver shockingly fast! but I admire their concern for their customers that they send them TLC (thin layer chromatography) test results which show the purity of their product. It's as fine as can be. Not only do they seem to actually care for their customers in regards to purity, as there are plenty of brands that 'fill in' the products with heaps of extra stuff. LiftMode seems to encourage affordability by reasonable comparison. So if I ever want any kind of supplement when I go to Amazon I turn to LiftMode. I recommend that everybody does the same.
Thank you. Russell MooreI suffer from anxiety and adhd. Adhd causes my mind to race whenever I decide To try and sleep. 5-HTP seems to quiet my mind at night and lets me fall into a deep restful slumber. I recommended it to my father who has insomnia issues. To his surprise, he claims to have had great results as well.
John R.
Buy 5-HTP Powder - 20 Grams (0.71 Oz) - 98% Pure Now
I received this product yesterday, and decided to give it a try this morning (used for Anxiety). I took a 20 mg dose on an empty stomach before work and within 30 minutes I felt a smooth relaxation come over my body. It lasted for almost 4 hours and before I knew it, it was lunch break. I couldn't believe how fast time passed (probably because I was not anxious or worried about anything). This product is very high quality and is up to par with all the other LiftMode products available here at Amazon.Read Best Reviews of 5-HTP Powder - 20 Grams (0.71 Oz) - 98% Pure Here
For the price and the amount of servings you get, this product can not be beat that I have found. Sure there is a little extra time comsumption because you can't just pop a pill. However, it only adds a couple minutes to my day to drop a scoop in a little shot glass with some water. The taste is practically nonexsistent. All of our bodies are different but I defintely noticed a better mood and it may even be promoting better REM sleep. The only caution, for men at least, it does effect your libido a little. You just don't seem to care as much about extra curricular activity.I have been taking this product for a little over a week now and I am feeling a lot less anxiety and stress. I am sleeping well and feeling well rested throughout the day. I am very pleased with the results of this product.
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