Tissue A Insomnia NuAge Labs 125 Tabs

Tissue A Insomnia NuAge Labs 125 TabsI've used Tissue A Insomnia NuAge tabs for quite a number of years, as does a friend of mine. I like always having some on hand. While I take a prescribed medication that helps my restless legs, and helps me get to sleep, if I'm still having trouble getting to sleep, I take 4 of the little Insomnia A tabs and it usually does the trick to help me go to sleep. Very occasionally, it doesn't help; but I would have to say that, for the most part, it's proven very helpful to me when I need just some little extra edge to get to sleep. And, I like that that "little extra edge" is homeopathic. Also, I've tried a number of other OTC sleep tabs and other homeopathic remedies, but most don't work as well as this does.


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