I talked to a woman in Whole Foods about a week and a half ago. Her face lit up and she said "Come with me!!!!" She has been a health practitioner for over 20 years. She introduced me to Cellfood and said that 100% of the people she had worked who tried it for candida were successful. I was still skeptical. Well, I have been using it for only a week and a half--in 90 degree heat no less, and this is the first time I have been symptom free in a year and a half. I know it is still early, but the principles of this product--oxygen to your cells--makes all the sense in the world because candida cannot survive in oxygen.
The lady at Whole Foods said you have to keep it up for about 3 months to get rid of all the candida. Plus I have more energy to boot.
Peggy BeckerI've been taking Cellfood for over a year now. I first came across it at Whole Foods. I was browsing the vitamin section and, while waiting to be helped, I looked down at the counter and saw these bottles of Cellfood staring up at me. Oddly enough, I was drawn to this stuff. I kept coming back to that display and reading the description of what it was and how it worked. I wasn't willing to fork over nearly $30 for that little bottle, but the Whole Foods guy that was helping me saw how interested I was in it, so he gave me a booklet that went into quite a bit of detail about how it worked. I took it home, read it, and then went online and found it for a little less money (@ the Vitamin Shoppe), so I decided to try it.
Let me say this: That was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I'm 36, and have gone my whole life not knowing what it's like to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, and feeling as though I got enough sleep. A perfect day for me involved sleeping. All day long. I've always struggled to find the energy to get up and do things, and thought lethargy was just an unfortunate personality trait of mine.
So I started taking Cellfood, and didn't really notice any effects until my husband asked me why I turned into the Energizer bunny all of a sudden. Then I realized that he was right. We have 2 small children, and from the time I get up (early) til the time I go to bed (late), I'm going going going non-stop. *And I'm not tired.* I'm not wired, I'm not jittery, and I don't have a bunch of nervous energy. I just have energy, and mental clarity. And it feels AMAZING. I open my eyes in the morning, and I'm awake and alert. There's no grogginess, there's no wanting to roll over and go back to sleep. I hardly recognize myself these days!
After I started taking Cellfood, and before I noticed any effects, the reason I was motivated to keep taking it was because a day or 2 after I bought it, I burned my thumb pretty badly while taking a pot out of the oven. It hurt like crazy and looked and felt like it was going to form a mean blister. As was suggested in the booklet I got, I put a drop of Cellfood on the burn, and half an hour later I realized my thumb wasn't hurting anymore, and the blister never formed. That told me I was on to something.
I'm the only one in my household who takes Cellfood, and I'm the only one who doesn't get sick. There could be (and often are) miserably sick people coughing, sneezing, and wiping their little runny noses on me, and I walk away from it unscathed. This is key for all you moms out there, because who's gonna take care of YOU when you get sick? Nobody, right?
You can use Cellfood on cuts and scratches, and it heals them quickly and beautifully. The down side is that putting a drop of Cellfood on a cut is the pain equivalent of rubbing a supercharged lemon all over it. It hurts. A LOT. So much so, that I will usually just let it heal on its own.
My mom, who is in her early 70's, has also been taking Cellfood for about a year, and says that it really helps her arthritis.
Cellfood is very sour and tastes a lot like lemon juice, so it's a pleasant kind of sour. Depending on your affinity for sour tastes, you can dilute it as much or as little as you want. As a gauge, 12 drops of it in a pint of water tastes similar to squeezing a lemon wedge into the same amount of water. You're supposed to take 24 drops a day, on an empty stomach (at least 20 min before eating, or at least 45 min after eating, I think it is). I put 12 drops in a pint glass, fill it up with water and down it first thing in the morning before I start getting breakfast ready. I do that again before going to bed. I do it this way because it's hard for me to remember to take it when I'm in the middle of my day. If you take 24 drops/day, a bottle will last you for about a month.
For me, that's less than $1/day to feel the best I've ever felt in my life.
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I can't believe nobody left a review on CellFood yet! I am 31 years old and have been taking Cellfood for just 1 month by now. I read about how great it is so I gave it a try.I needed smth to boost my energy as a mom of a 4 year old boy so I kept taking it religiously and lately I have noticed I finally have that long-time desired energy, I found myself sleeping so beautifully, like on a tropical-breezed island and my overall well-being is so great! I work throughout the house for many hours and I still don't go tired to bed, I can stay up very late, as I don't feel tired!!! I can't believe it. I am so blessed to have Cellfood, I will ship some over to my mom and indicate it to everyone I have the chance.God is so good.
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I have been a natural food and nutrition 'nut' for years, and have specifically been a proponent of using food NOT supplements to optimize health. I remember seeing Cell Food decades ago and dismissing it as a ridiculously priced attempt at 'snowing' the public. Recently, a friend suggested I try it. At first I wasn't even going to bother, but then thought why not get some evidence to support my skepticism... To my surprise, I felt some benefits on the first day. A youthful 47yo mom with a toddler, I am keenly aware of my physical and mental energy levels. Within a few minutes, I felt a clarity both physically and mentally. That night, I slept exceptionally deeply, even with each time I had to return to sleep after being awakened, which generally loses me a good, few hours. After a few days of taking Cell Food, the sleep benefits continued without fail and my digestion began improving. I have now been taking it for a few weeks. After experimenting with the timing of taking it and with some dietary factors, it is clear that for me, the consumption of sugar, yeast/leavening, and presumably alcohol (the third candida culprit which I never consume) specifically counter the effects of Cell Food, requiring a much higher intake level in order to experience results. Please note that this is relevant for any and all forms of sugar, including the natural sugar in fruit, grams of sugar as indicated on the nutrition panel in most packaged foods, etc.My next test is seeing what impact, if any, Cell Food has on my menstrual cramps. I will update this review when I find out.
A few weeks later... the dosage of ibuprofen required to get rid of cramps was reduced. Went from the usual 2-3 doses of 600mg each, to 1 dose of 200mg and one dose of 400mg. The other benefits have continued, with sugar intake seeming to interfere somewhat with those benefits... Cell Food helps my body crave healthful foods which, in turn, reinforces all the positive results, including significantly increased stamina and muscular strength.
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This stuff is great. First of all my skin looks better and I feel better. I wake up more alert. I have crohns disease, using cellfood I have less problems. My son 2 at the time, I used this right out of the bottle on his warts. Let me just say it looked like he had another toe on his big toe. I let it go WAY to long. I read somewhere that I should put this straight on the warts so I did. Remember it was HUGE. After a few weeks of using this everyday and scratching at the warts it died and fell off. I was excited. I told my son we were washing it. He never thought twice. The Doc. wanted me to put acid on it. I don't think so. Not on my baby.So I'm a big advocate of this stuff. I've been using Cellfood for about a year. Still love it.
Give it a chance. You might thank yourself later.
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