These very small, relatively tasteless pills melt under your child's tongue. For my daughter (70 lbs.), 2 tablets are what helps. Assuming you don't use them all the time, one bottle of 125 tablets could last you a very long time!
+All Natural
+Helps to relieve anxiety, restlessness, sleeplessness, night terrors, growing pains and crying without a specific cause.
-Unless you're familiar with homeopathic medicine, the contents of this product are a mystery. Even with the names printed on the bottle!
-It is still mood altering; natural or not. This should be used with caution as it is possible to accidentally overdose.
-You should consult your child's pediatrician before giving this to them, as it may not work with their specific health condition and/or medications.
-This product does not replace traditional medicines and/or psychiatric care as needed.
This product is certainly something that works to calm your child, but it may not be for everyone and certainly it's not going to 'fix' an underlying problem that may need to be addressed another way.
Buy Hyland's Homeopathic Calms Forte 4 Kids, 125 Tablets (Multi-Pack) Now
My eldest son often goes through periods of insomnia. He says that he just can't turn off his brain. We usually start with a guided relaxation exercise like Visions of Sugarplums Guided Journeys. (We really like the "Island of Wishes.")If that doesn't work, then it's three Hyland's Calms Forte under the tongue. They seem to work like a charm, and usually he's out within 20-30 minutes vs. 3 hours.
I've taken them as well on occasion. :)
If your child has chronic insomnia (as mine does), then I'd recommend the following:
1) Plenty of exercise--make sure they're outside playing at least one hour per day--preferably two.
2) Make sure that their room is dark enough for sleep. Night lights are fine, but some are so bright that they can interfere.
3) Have your bedtime routine...and wind down. Ours includes reading (either story time or on one's own) well as prayers...and a guided meditation (see above.)
4) Try something with tryptophan before bed...our favorite is milk and a banana. (Can do hot chocolate (made with milk) too.)
Read Best Reviews of Hyland's Homeopathic Calms Forte 4 Kids, 125 Tablets (Multi-Pack) Here
Attention all parents, stock up on this product!!! For our toddler these have been a life saver, whenever he has one of his moods, we reach for the calms forte. While it's not an instant fix, after about 10 minutes or so it does seem to take the edge off and we can start talking about what is wrong and getting back to normal. You can find these in your local walgreens drug store but this price is much better and it's nice to have a couple of these. We keep one in his diaper bag so we have them handy when were out too.Want Hyland's Homeopathic Calms Forte 4 Kids, 125 Tablets (Multi-Pack) Discount?
My 2.5 year old was having serious sleep issues. He'd wake up at 3-5 am and struggle to go to sleep. He was obviously tired but the worse his sleep the worse he slept. He was becoming irritable and anxious. Tried several behavioral interventions with no avail. Discovered calms and they have helped tremendously! It calms him down enough to relax and has helped restore him natural sleep patterns without medicating or drugging him. I highly recommend giving it a try.
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