So this is what I would suggest.Put two spoons in the fridge wait 'till their chilled and press them against the bags under your eyes. It works, feels good and it's free!I could not believe that I got sucked into the marketing of this product. First, I purchased the pads for 45 dollars, not knowing that I also needed the activator. Secondly, I purchased the activator (what good are the pads without that?) and noticed NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER. I would recommend preparation H before this stuff!I have used these products for the past two years and have noticed a big change under my eyes. The eye pads along with the activator used inconjunction with good products does work! I use the Tracie Martyn cleanser and firming solution as well. When I have a special event or just with the winter blahs I use the eye pads and activator for 10 min...and I look a lot better.
LotuSculpt® Eye Pads
Posted by
on Tuesday, July 15, 2014
So this is what I would suggest.Put two spoons in the fridge wait 'till their chilled and press them against the bags under your eyes. It works, feels good and it's free!I could not believe that I got sucked into the marketing of this product. First, I purchased the pads for 45 dollars, not knowing that I also needed the activator. Secondly, I purchased the activator (what good are the pads without that?) and noticed NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER. I would recommend preparation H before this stuff!I have used these products for the past two years and have noticed a big change under my eyes. The eye pads along with the activator used inconjunction with good products does work! I use the Tracie Martyn cleanser and firming solution as well. When I have a special event or just with the winter blahs I use the eye pads and activator for 10 min...and I look a lot better.
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