LotuSculpt® Eye Pads

LotuSculpt® Eye PadsMy sister bought these for me for Christmas along with the activator. She was raving about how wonderful this new product was. I tried them that night but didn't notice a thing. I showed them to my mother the next day. My mom started laughing and dug up a box of "Wrinkies and Frownies" that she had bought about 20 years ago. Virtually the same thing;a box of 144 are available for $14.95 plus Rose Water Activator for $8.95. The fact that she still had them twenty years later is a testament to their effectiveness.

So this is what I would suggest.Put two spoons in the fridge wait 'till their chilled and press them against the bags under your eyes. It works, feels good and it's free!

I could not believe that I got sucked into the marketing of this product. First, I purchased the pads for 45 dollars, not knowing that I also needed the activator. Secondly, I purchased the activator (what good are the pads without that?) and noticed NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER. I would recommend preparation H before this stuff!

Buy LotuSculpt® Eye Pads Now

I have used these products for the past two years and have noticed a big change under my eyes. The eye pads along with the activator used inconjunction with good products does work! I use the Tracie Martyn cleanser and firming solution as well. When I have a special event or just with the winter blahs I use the eye pads and activator for 10 min...and I look a lot better.

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