I did a lot of checking before i shelled out $2300 for the prowler 3410 4 wheel scooter over a year ago.IT was the best thing i have done since i had my stroke.I also have a small 3 wheel travel scooter that i use for shopping the malls.But i wanted something more comfortable for long trips to the park and my daughters home , about 2 miles round trip.The prowler is perfect,it has 4 wheel suspension ,a large captains chair,air filled tires,turn signals ,flashers,headlight,etc.etc.Also mag.wheels fully adjustable,reclining swiveling thickly padded seat with adjustable armrest. Seven m.p.h.top speed. And 26 mile range.I am 78 years old now but the scooter makes me feel like 77 ? thats a joke! Did i mention that i like my PROWLER ? Can't waite till the snow melts. C.W.S. MT.LAUREL NJ.

I bought this scooter five years ago for $2100.00 and since then I have put as much in it in repairs. I am 450 lbs and this is supose to handle up to 500 lbs and the more you weigh the fewer miles you can go. When I first got it, backing up was very jerky and annoying, I have replaced the trans axle twice and the motor once, I have had the seat shaft welded 4 times and the steering plow broke in half so they had to put in a length of pipe inside to keep that from happening again. Most of this happend after it was out of warranty. Even when the warranty is still effective they will not pay for labor, only parts. Batteries are $300.00 every 18 months if you happen to buy them on line you could get lucky and they send you the right ones the first time, I had to send them back twice. This scooter is very cheaply made, hence the price. My recommendation, buy something else...........
Buy Prowler 3410 Series 4-Wheel Mid-Size Scooter Now
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