I've had acne since I was 10 years old. It started out with a bunch of small pimples all over my face. My parents took me to a dermatologist. I think I have seriously used every ace product out there. OTC and prescription but the acne just kept getting worse as I got older. At 19 I was prescribed accutane and that worked wonderful. 3 years later I started breaking out again. By this time I was an Aesthetician and thought I could cure it with expensive product. It helped enough that could wear alot of makeup and it would look okay. I switched birthcontrol and my skin just errupted. They wouldn't give me accutane bc I'm getting married and am in child bearing years. (very dangerous drug) I thought, "I'm 23 years old, it's time for this to stop." I tried Pantothenic acid, helped but not the results I wanted. Then I came across this product and my life (and skin) have seriously changed FOREVER. The first month I noticed a small change: my acne didnt break out as bad when I got my period. SO I kept taking it. The next month I didnt have ONE break out on my face. Then came the real test: switching my birthcontrol. It's been 2 weeks since I switched my birthcontrol and I don't even FEEL like I'm going to get a pimple. It takes a month or two but stick with it and Clearin will change your life.
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