Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker

Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker, Charcoal(Updated Mar 7th 2013)

My life is 8+ hours on a desk every workday. I got a treadmill 6 months ago but find myself often with excuses not to stand on it but rather in front of the computer in my den most of the nights. I crossed shopped the Fitbit one and decided to buy a pair of this Fitbit Zip for me and wify two weeks ago. I got to say, this idea works wonders. Nothing motivates me better than keeping a little score of myself. Now I know I walk 4k~5k a day and I spend ~30 minutes everyday at home to walk that extra couple miles to get my 10k steps. Already lost 2 lbs. My wife hits almost 12k a day and I don't know if I'm able to catch her soon.

Let me tell you why the Zip is perfect, rather than a pedometer, or the better Fitbit One model:

1. It IS a pedometer that is zero-maintenance! That is the single most important feature. It has no buttons and requires nothing from you other than keeping it on yourself. It auto-resets to zero at midnight and constantly syncs data online. Old school pedometers need to be reset and recorded manually, enough for lazy people like me to stay away.

2. It syncs with my iPhone 4s using the low-power Bluetooth 4.0 (by the way a very new, high-tech mode) about every 40 minutes or every time when I fire up the Fitbit app. Again nothing is needed from me. This single handedly beats all the Nike band, Jawbone Up or the old Fitbit where you need to plug in something to sync. One thing to note: the iPhone Fitbit app does not sync to the Fitbit Zip in the background by default, just remember to go into its settings and turn it on. When on, the app doesn't need to be in the front. You don't even see the Fitbit in the Bluetooth device list. Everything just works.

3. No charging cable. This is the key feature that makes me proud of my decision away from the Fitbit One. It's just one less hassle to deal with, one less routine to remember to do. Being lazy as I am, I will probably forget to charge the Fitbit One's rechargeable batteries every once in a while and grow excuse not to exercise. Again the CR2025 coin battery for the Zip lasts several months (not tested yet for obvious reasons but it's still full after 2 weeks on mine) that's basically forever in today's tech gadget language. These batteries are $2 for a 5 pack on Amazon so cost isn't an issue.

So all in all, Fitbit Zip is a glorified pedometer but one that can be clipped on and forgotten without any hassle of clicking, charging or syncing. It's truly changed my lifestyle as a lazy person. Highly recommended.

Oh by the way, I don't understand the negative reviews on the battery door: I opened and installed the battery on two Fitbit Zips within 3 minutes, using the provided tool (really a plastic quarter). No problem whatsoever. Could it be a bad batch of devices those people got?

March 7, 2013, update on battery life: it's been exactly 4 months since beginning of December and one of our Fitbits shows the "Low Battery" sign today with a notification on the iphone as well. I looked up Fitbit's website and this means it has 25% battery life left. A flashing battery sign will mean changing it immediately and I'll wait till then to do it. This is after average use of 12k steps a day.

I have had the original Fitbit for a couple of years, and I've always loved it. My ONLY complaint was having to turn on my computer to charge and synch it. In these days of tablets, I barely use my computer anymore, so it was irritating.

The Fitbit Zip solves these problems. No charging necessary except for changing out the battery now and then, and synching is awesome via Bluetooth straight to the Fitbit app on my iphone. No computer necessary now.

Do be aware that if you have been stationary for a while (watching TV for example), the Fitbit display goes to sleep, and synching may not work. But just tap the screen lightly and it will then wake up and synch.

Another thing I like, is that it isn't even necessary to ever look at the Fitbit screen. I wear mine on my bra, so it can be inconvenient to check my data. But with the Zip, I don't have to I just open the app on my phone, let it synch, and I have my information.

By the way I had no problems with the battery door. There is a little tool supplied with the Fitbit, and I suppose if you don't use that you might break the tabs.

Well done, Fitbit.

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I remember the carefree days of the Tamogotchi, where a tiny LCD face told me about personal responsibility, and more importantly, the tragedy of neglect. Oh no, my tiny LCD creature is sickly, for I have forgotten to eliminate its foul, digital waste! Oh no, I have starved yet another ducklike beast near to death due to my incompetence as a plastic bauble owner.

The Fitbit Zip has many Tamogotchi-like qualities, with one major difference: when its simplified emoticon face shows disgust at you, it is because you have failed yourself.

Many a lazy Sunday have I woken up from a pleasing, decadent afternoon nap, to see the little guy judging me from his silicon throne: ":P" Oh god, I thought. I could have been wandering aimlessly around my house, probably between my couch and fridge.

And yet, post-workout, he feeds me his genuine, electronic glee at my activity: ":D" YES. Finally. The callous but potent validation that keeps me motivated to continue plodding through my otherwise dreary life.

Because I clip him to my bra strap, he is literally a demon that sits on my shoulder. One time, furious at his intercession in my otherwise sedentary lifestyle, I yelled, "Are you happy now, you little a**hole?" My boyfriend thought I was referring to him, and we had a fight. (-1 star.)

But seriously.

+ Good motivator, great online support.

+ I haven't had the battery case problems reported elsewhere.

+ Convenient, and easy to remember to carry around.

Cat thinks it is a toy, sometimes steals it.

Registers steps accurately, but an hour of Zumba is disappointingly low compared to an hour of walking.

May cause internal strife at home.

Read Best Reviews of Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker Here

I am new to Fitbit. My wife and I both picked them up and have been using them for a few days. So far I am happy with the product. It seems to log my steps accurately. I like the small size as its only about 50% larger than a quarter. This makes it extremely easy to wear and hide because after all I don't want to advertise that I am wearing a very fancy pedometer.

The website and phone software are very well done. This is important as they are a big part of the product. I have an Android phone so my mobile app doesn't sync with my Zip as of now but the feature is supposed to be on its way. Its really no issue as the sync software was easy to install and the USB dongle is easily left in the computer. My Zip just syncs automatically when I am near my computer and makes things quite convenient.

Battery Door:

I know there are many reviews about the door being fragile. I have not had this issue. I do notice that the color of the door doesn't match the device very well. I am guessing that they may have addressed the issue with a new plastic. Please comment if your doors color is off and you have this issue.

"Touch Screen"

This one had me a little upset at first. I was trying to touch the screen to cycle the mode and had no success. The trick is it isn't a touch screen device at all! This thing has a very accurate accelerometer in it. It is sensing a jolt not a touch. I have found a quick tap with a fingernail is the best way to cycle the modes. You can even just flick the side and it will cycle as well. This made the device usable don't try to touch.

I am happy with the device/software. I can easily recommend this product to anyone looking to help them track progress or gain encouragement by competing with friends or earning badges.

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Out of a medium-sized group of us that opened the new FitBit Zip today, more than 5 of us broke the battery compartment cover (or it was broken out of the box). This, despite the first person to break it warning the others. Beware, the battery compartment has _very_ tiny tabs that break very easily. In my case, only one of them broke, so in the flexible-cover, it's still getting power. Still, this was a really high incidence of battery cover breakage.

If you do buy it, open and close the compartment with extreme care.

Update a month later: I received a replacement device (+1). Broke that one, too, when opening the battery door (-2). Then a month later the fitbit fell out of it's rubber case. I have no idea where it is. Note: I think the triangle silk screened on the battery case is missaligned, but it take a fair bit of force to dislodge the battery cover. Be really conservative on force when you open it. And put the device in your pocket so you don't lose it. Better yet, take a pass on this version and wait for the next redesign.

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