Doctors Best High Absorption Magnesium

Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium, 240-CountI've been using magnesium supplements for several years, now, and Doctor's Best is by far the best formula that I've used. Everyone's digestive system and needs are different, of course, but I find that magnesium citrate and magnesium taurate formulas are pretty hard on my digestive tract. Chelated magnesium can help to ease these problems, but other formulas that include chelated magnesium don't always have ALL of the magnesium chelated. Oftentimes they include large amounts of less expensive magnesium oxide, which can be harder to digest. Doctor's Best's formula is completely chelated, uses the patented Albion formula and has never given me any trouble. It just plain works for me.

I've suffered with migraines for over 10 years and in the last year started having them about 4-5 times a week. I received no help from my doctor and feeling incredibly frustrated I started doing my own migraine research and found that a lot of sufferers are magnesium deficient. Here are some symptoms 1) Frequent migraines 2) Muscle tightness and knots in the neck and shoulders 3) Irregularity 4) Irritablity 5) Anxiety 6) Trouble sleeping 7) Chocolate cravings. These are just a few and all of which I suffer from. Two months ago I started taking these and I have only had three headaches total, all of which were very tolerable and managable (as oppossed to the horrific "head in a vice accompanied with nausea headaches" I was having regulary). Even though these cost a little more, I highly recommend these high quality chelated magnesium pills over the magnesium oxide (which is the cheapest form made and your body absorbs very little of it). Let me state, I am not a doctor. However, I did learn alot of useful info from the book 'The Magensium Solution for Migraine Headaches' by Jay S. Cohen, who is a doctor. I recommend reading the book before you take the supplements so that you learn how to take them. The book and supplements have changed my life!

Buy Doctors Best High Absorption Magnesium Now

Those tablets are large for GOOD reason! As confirmed to me by Doctor's Best, this is currently the ONLY brand of Magnesium Glycinate which is not buffered -i.e., mixed with (usually unspecified) amounts of cheaper, *more compact*, and more-poorly-absorbed forms of magnesium like Oxide. That's why this product says "NOT Buffered" on the front label. Which explains why other brands seem to be able to make more-compact pills or capsules: They're not really 100% magnesium glycinate!

Despite this, I had avoided using this product because it unfortunately contained Bioperine (black pepper extract), which can interact with certain drugs. But since they have removed the Bioperine I've been using it and my early impression is good. Seems to cause less loose bowels than the more-typical (meaning buffered -whether they use that word or not) magnesium glycinate products I tried before. Seems to have a gentle calming effect, and my resting heart rate has been a few points lower (which is desirable in my case). I'm only taking two pills (which provides a total of 200mg elemental magnesium) per day, and I find they work best for me when taken mid-day, usually without a meal. Since the tablets are coated I don't find them hard to swallow, especially if I wash them down with a lot of water.

BTW, Doctor's Best also told me that this product contains about ten times as much glycine as lysine, which is fine with me.

Doctor's Best is a brand that continues to impress.

NOTE: Just looking at the product title, one might tend to assume that each tablet has 200mg of elemental magnesium, when again that is actually for a serving of TWO tablets. I wish Amazon would start including complete labels for supplements, to avoid that kind of misunderstanding and others. I'll buy more supplements here once they do.

Read Best Reviews of Doctors Best High Absorption Magnesium Here

I have been running on 0 for almost a year now. I have bought so many different vitamins to try and get some kind of energy going again,nothing seemed to work.When I looked at the reviews on this magnesium,I figured I had nothing to lose,wow!! I felt a thousand times better as soon as I took them.I slacked off after a few weeks to see if I would start a decline,and sure enough,no energy again. I have been taking them again for 4 days and am back in the game. I don't know how they would do for anyone else,but am glad they work for me.I do not know how relevant this is but I suffer from hypothroidism,just in case anyone w/ this may want to try these for themselves.

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I love magnessium, I am a huge fan of it, it helps me with digestion issues, sleep issues, anxiety issues, hormonal issues ect. and I feel chelated magnessium is hands down the best so I love this product for that. I am one of those people who can take 15 supplement pills and swallow them all down at once with no issues at all, with these pills however they constantly get stuck and I have to drink ALOT of water or eat something to wash it down. That has NEVER happened to me before with any tablet or capsule and I have taken giant pills before. So needless to say these are great and I will finish the bottle but if you are one of those people that has a problem swallowing tablets you will most likely have issues with these tablets.

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