After seeing an initial improvement in sleep and eczema, I was disappointed to find that we were soon back to where we were before trying the Earthing products. I checked the connections, the grounding ports, and finally tested the sheets for connectivity. Because we had only used the products for 8-10 months and the website claimed that "the sheets were unchanged after 100 washings", I was shocked to find that 2 of my 4 sheets were no longer conductive. I had never dried them in the dryer (only air dried) and had used only 7th Generation detergent to wash them 1-2 times per month on a gentle/cold cycle. I estimated the total washings to be less than 20 for each sheet. We use no lotions or other products (due to allergies), nothing had been in contact with the sheets except clean skin.
During 2 months of painful correspondence with Earthing Customer Service:
* They didn't believe that I was testing the sheets properly and requested that I send a picture to prove it
* I was told to sew a flap to the sheet which (as shown on the picture that THEY had requested) was already sewn
* I was told that I could, at my expense of $12, send the sheets to them for testing. When I asked twice what would happen if they were found to be no longer conductive, I received no response except "Send your sheets to the following address..."
* When the sheets were found to no longer be conductive (which they apparently had to prove to themselves), they said there was no replacement or repair policy, they only offered to send the useless strips of cloth back to me.
* After sending a registered letter to them from my attorney, they finally responded by stating, "We have no record of your purchases."
* I dug out my receipt and scanned/emailed to prove my purchases
* An excerpt from the "offer" I ultimately received: "...our sheets and bed pads do last longer for some folks then for others. We sometimes have seconds available. By second I am referring to one being returned after a customer doesn't want to try it or states they never used it and returns it to us. We launder these and save them for different studies. I spoke with our Director and she is allowing me to offer one to you at half price plus shipping. So that would be for $84.50 + 11.21 = $95.71 for one."
A USED sheet for $95? No thanks. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they were planning on sending my own sheet back to me.
This is a company run much more like the cable company that Clinton Ober (author of Earthing book) hails from than anything remotely concerned with their customers' personal well being.So I have been sleeping with a grounded sheet for a few months now and have been sleeping great. I have had recurring insomnia since I was child and usually take a while to fall asleep even on good nights. Since I have started using the sheet, I have had only a few nights where I had trouble getting to sleep because of excitement or indigestion. Now, most nights I am asleep as soon as I turn the lights off. Wow! I was starting to get so use to it that I wasn't sure if it was really working or not maybe I had just got into a good pattern. Well, I recently took a work trip across three time zones and brought my grounding sheet with me. For the first time that I have traveled across three time zones, I had no jet lag (going or coming back) and got decent sleep.
Potentially important is that the sheet may work best when it is connected to it's own ground rod. When I first got the sheet, I just plugged into the electrical outlet ground port in my house. It seemed to make me even more awake for the first week I was using it. Then I read in Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? that best results are usually achieved with a separate ground, so I hooked up the ground rod that came with the sheet and have been enjoying better sleep since. The manufacturer should include a note with the sheet about this since it is kind of buried in the book.This grounding pad for your bed is an amazing product and well worth every penny. From the guys that brought you the Earthing book. Definitely read "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, and Martin Zucker . This may be one of the best products you purchase for your overall health and wellness. You have to make sure your electric in your home is grounded or there is a cable that can be purchased separately that you run out your window and has a grounding rod on the end. This can be purchased from We insulate ourselves with rubber soled shoes and elevated homes made of wood. When you ground yourself with one of the pads your body absorbs the electrons from the earth and helps neutralize the free radicals(positive molecules and ions) running rampant in most bodies; causing pain and inflammation.
To your best in Health and Wellness...It has been a month since I purchased this halfsheet. The directions on how to use it were simple, and luckily I had a grounded outlet in the bedroom. (I live in a condominium and getting a ground to the outside would have been a problem.) My asthma has improved; I don't wake up in the middle of the night any more coughing. I sleep more soundly and I have more energy when I wake up. I have not felt this good generally in a very long time. I leave the bed covers off in the morning and my two housebound cats (we have very strict leash laws here) seek it out and sleep directly on it. They are no longer bouncing off the walls and vocalizing; they seem a lot calmer. I like the idea that this is good for their health, too. I am ordering an earthing mat to use as a mouse pad so I can be grounded for a few more hours during the day. For me, this earthing halfsheet is a big help. If the cost of it is a problem, try the mat or the patches or the bands; they are much cheaper. I went with the halfsheet because I could share it with the furbabies.My partner and I used the half sheet on our bed for the past four months and didn't notice any difference. When we took it off, we noticed no difference. It's been off for a month now. We did test it to make sure it was grounding. We read the book. I wanted to believe! But I can't recommend this product at all. Also, the fabric is made from materials that is really wrinkly after washing. You have to iron it if you want it to be flat.
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