i have no idea why the reviewer above didnt have good results with this product. im a tall lean high metabolisim person who, after having a child and diabetes complications, then thyroid disease, ended up gaining 90 pounds on a 135 pound frame. it wasnt exactly from 'letting myself go' but from a combination of health issues and the physical inabilty to exercise regualrly at the height of some intense medical problems. after my child, i was still 40 pounds over my pre baby weight. i didnt care so much about trying to get back to that super sexy bod i had before baby--i cared more about how i felt--both mentally and physically. i purchased about 6 different weight loss things over the counter and most of them made me very aggitated and spiked up in a way that doesnt work for me. with the hooida max, i began by taking 2 at a time and felt hyped up. so i shelved it for awhile. i then revisited the product and took one in the am when i got up. what i noticed after several days was that my hunger, the hunger that saw me eating ravenously as i used to as a high metabolism person [but now was causing me to feel bloated and to store fat]--that hunger just vanished. i didnt feel revved, i didnt feel agitated. i felt solid in my energy and abilty to do things that i hadent been able to in awhile--like take my child on a state park hike--and i didnt feel hungry. i'm on my 5th bottle of hoodia max and i started a few years ago. i cant find it in stores and tried getting other hoodia products at the drug store and gnc--they do not work the same. i think this hoodia max product is the one with the most hoodia in it. and i also learned the premise of how hoodia works--its derived from a plant or root in africia and ingested so that the person doesnt feel hunger. this is a brilliant natural thing that mother nature provides to people in countries where food is hard to come by and where maybe traveling in the desert between food sources is paramount for survival. our fatt buts here have, in turn utilized this product to have the same effect because we have too much food--and temptation to eat as much of it as we want! but still..it works. fifth bottlein and i still take one hoodia max when i get up and then sometimes ill take another in the afternoon, i dont take it too late in the day as it will make it harder to fall asleep. ill want to stay up and start rearranginv the living room or something! im 43, 5'10 and hoodia max has helped me keep in the 150-160 range, which im cool with. i like this product alot because it works on a simple premise--if you eat less, you are going to maintain a healthier weight. i feel like im taking a 'natural' product too, there is no spike or that odd feeling you get from downing the 24 hour hollywood diet drink or other diet pills that make you feel revved in a fake way. the energy i get from the plant based product feels like 'my own'. also, i think a real culprit of weight gain as we get older is that we dont have the same energy as we used to, we slow down, and sometimes i think we eat as a way to cope with that. we eat from boredom, feeling bad not getting as much done, for not exercising as we want to or know we need to. we start to spirial down a bit and feel like a loser [at least i did] for not feeling as we once did. the hooida max prodcut has helped me with energy so that im not dipping down to those low feelings which saw me more likely to eat some junk food and veg out. i take it in the am, go a few hours and have a small good breakfast, go most of the day eat a nice lunch, i desire better food for fuel and then eat an early dinner. i still snack and guzzle down some junk food but my emotional drive for it isnt the same asit was before. i have almost entirely cut fast food from my diet, the hoodia max or the way it works in my body just makes me crave real food--like a loaded up cobb salad or soemthing that is actually solid and will last me. i have lung disease and cant exercise for long periods but the energy the hoodia max gives me helps me get in ten minutes of treadmill a day which keeps me toned. and yea, i dont work for these guys! swear! i just like the stuff!

I took this product for 2 months, and the only difference I noticed was a slight increase in my energy level (this product contains green tea). When this product arrived, I began taking the maximum amount (4 capsules/day). The first 2 days I had stomach cramps, but they began to go away on the third day. The remainder of the week my appetite slowly began to come back, and by the second week I was not noticing a suppression of my appetite. I do not recommend this product for appetite suppression.
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