There is no so much description of this inhaler on a website, so I truly believed that it had to have some metal or ceramic bowl inside of this inhaler that will let me to use oils and put it on a cook top for warming up(you need to warm up the water from time to time because it's not an electric one to do it for you when the water is cold) It is plastic... and without any certification, so you don't know how toxic it is (and it is because there is no even any mark that it is food safe) There is only one note on the bottom of the plastic bowl :'Made in China' LOL guys! The box has a note 'North American healthcare'! But there is another note inside of the box says that you shouldn't use it if pregnant and don't use for children. And I know that inhalations don't have any medical contraindications if only the devise is toxic. There is no way to use it with oils! Don't do it! Plastic becomes more toxic because oils melt it on the molecular structure and if you add hot water at that time will have toxic fumes in your lungs. But if you're going to use it only with warm water maybe it will work for you... But i can have the same result using my mugs and cups with tea (but they made of glass and ceramic which is safe for people)

I have a lot of trouble with clogged sinuses and headaches. I got this and put hot water in it with a few drops of Vicks for the vaporizer and voila! My sinuses open up. I have taken to doing this before bed and now I almost never wake up with a headache. I'm buying one for my mother too. I love that it has no cord. I heat up a Pyrex measuring cup of water in the microwave, pour it in and I can sit on the couch, in bed, wherever. This works WAY better than my neti pot.
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