Buy Standard Process Min-Tran 800 T Now
I first acquired Min-Tran from my Chiropractor.. he suggested it to me because I was having trouble sleeping... my mind would constantly be racing with thoughts of the things that I have to do, whether it was something that I didn't finish that day or things that I needed to do the next day... or things that I needed to pack for a much deserved weekend away... It didn't seem to matter what it was .. my mind would just keep rambling on into the night and keep me from falling asleep.In the past I have tried different prescriptions for sleeplessness, which caused memory loss and other weird things. I also tried the over the counter pm medications that make you groggy in the mornings. Now I just take about 3 of these Min-Trans along with my other nightly medications and I drift off to sleep with no weird dreams, memory loss or morning groggyness. This stuff is great.
Read Best Reviews of Standard Process Min-Tran 800 T Here
You need to know Min Tran stands for Mineral Tranquilizer. No side effects and a wonderful calming effect.Great for general use and particularly if the mind is still working when you want to sleep.After years of taking prescription (chemical) drugs to sooth my anxiety my nutritionist recommended Min-Tran. I did not take the chemical stuff on a regular basis as prescribed, only as needed. When I tried Min-Tran I was amazed at the feeling of calm that stays with me all day when I take it as recommended on the bottle. It is a totally different and better feeling than what happens with the prescription drugs. I can only assume the difference is because the Min-Tran is actually nourishment to my body that it needs. It helps me sleep better also and I highly recommend it.
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