- Must Have an Active Weight Watchers Online Account Or E-Tools Subscription
- You Also Have To Pay An Extra $5 Subcription Fee To Link This Monitor To Your Account
- Can Not Be Returned Once The Seal On Box Is Opened
However, if I do household stuff first, running up and down the stairs doing laundry and so on, then I go on my 1 hour walk, when I am done it will say 5 points or whatever I earned that day. It is not making a mistake, it is just in one case it starts at 0% the walks meets my baseline goal and another day if I have already met my baseline, it starts adding on AP.
I love how it integrates into my WW page, on a tab next to where I log my food. I love how it doesn't come off like a pedometer does. It stays put.
In my opinion there are two negatives.
1. I wish I could still add AP manually. One day I accidentally took it off when I changed clothes after my walk and for the rest of the day it recorded zero. I would have loved to add the points I earned.
2. I wish it was cheaper per month. $5 seems a bit high to me, but it has encouraged me to be more active.
All in all a good tool... I walk more; I park further away from the store; I don't mind when I have to run upstairs a second time because I forgot something the first time and so on.
Buy Weight Watchers Activelink Activity Monitor Brand New Now
The only activity that the ActiveLink seems to assess correctly for me is running. One hour of high intensity Circuit Training doesn't give me any points (!) and I can tell you that it's at least as intense as jogging. When I am through ActiveLink shows only 16 minutes of *moderate* activity. Naming my activity and changing the intensity level on the website does nothing.I also agree with Jessica: "The WORST flaw? You are married to the device. You cannot manually add APs on eTools." There is no way to manually correct the erroneous results from ActiveLink.
Before I bought it, I liked the fact that it is waterproof, but I also get zero points for an hour of swimming so there's not much point in wearing it when I swim.
I have been on Live Chat and called the Support Number. Both have told me they cannot help me. The next level up of support is supposed to be contacting me next week.
I wanted to use this device to automatically measure my Activity Points it has been a big disappointment.
Read Best Reviews of Weight Watchers Activelink Activity Monitor Brand New Here
The problem is that if you are more sedentary than you think you are, your activity will still be "underwater" until you meet your base activity level. I thought I was getting 4-5 Activity Points Plus per day due to my exercise, but I spent the rest of the day sitting, so I'd have maybe one or two points of REAL activity per day.You can't deceive yourself about how much activity you are getting per day. I've had this activity monitor for 3 months now, and it's been great; I've increased my activity from under 2 points per day to 5 points per day.
If you think the monitor is not working correctly, re-read the materials at the WW website or on the ActiveLink webpages. I think you'll find that you were mistaken about how it calculates points, and after you understand that, you'll find it does what it is supposed to do.
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Love it love it love it. Yes it calculates your activity points after your base amount of activity but the point of this monitor is to encourage and push you past your comfort zone. The instructions for the monitor clearly tell you NOT to increase activity during the assessment period but rather to just do your normal routine. Since wearing the monitor for several weeks I went from a weight gain/loss slump to three consecutive weight loss weeks. I believe this monitor is solely responsible for that.Since I bought this device almost six months ago, I have had nothing but trouble. I did the 8-day assessment, and at the time weighed 30 lbs more than I do now. My activity level was almost non-existent. After the assessment, I started walking after work, increasing over time up to 4 miles a day. The very most I ever earned? 1 point. Yes, I know that you have to complete your baseline before you can start earning activity points, but from zero activity to 4 miles a day and just 1 point? Also note that many days I didn't earn ANY points. I brought the issue to my Weight Watchers lecturer, and she suggested that I repeat the assessment, but only wear it for part of the day so my baseline would be lower. I then wore it for the last four hours at work, which I now end up walking at least a mile. At the end of the 8 days, it said that there was not enough information to calculate a baseline. So then I repeated the assessment the third time, and wore it for 8 hours of my 10-hour work day. It recalculated my baseline, but the most I would ever earn when I did 4 miles was 2 points, but on most days I would earn zero points. One day I actually walked 8 miles, and I only earned 1 point! It is very inconsistent, and I also do not like the fact that it over rides your ability to calculate activity points. I misplaced it for about two weeks and during that time I could not earn any activity points, nor could I calculate points earned from walking a certain distance.Today was the final straw. I wore it to work and by 10:00 I had earned one light of the six lights needed to earn one point. I then went for a walk and checked again after lunch and guess what? No lights are now illuminated and it is fully charged. So I called Philips technical support and the guy said that my problem was that I needed to do my baseline before I would start earning points. I asked him why one light (1/6th of the way to one point) was illuminated and three hours later it wasn't, and he told me that the lights don't mean anything! He also said that if I plug in the device more than once into my computer it will nullify any points earned. What? That make no sense at all, is contrary to the user's guild plus my computer with the Activelink software is at home so I only plug it in once a day anyway, when I get home from work. He then said that I wasn't meeting my baseline and that's why I wasn't earning any points.
A total waste of time and money. I am very angry and from the reviews here, my experience has not been unique. I am complaining to Weight Watchers, Philips and even the FCC to see where it takes me. I am a technical person, a lifetime member of WW for over 30 years and used to calculate activity points the "old-fashioned" way. So I know what activity points I should be earning and I know what my baseline is. This device works randomly if at all! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!!
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