I chose this particular brand because of the dose-standardization not found on the others I encountered while looking on Amazon. Indeed, the dose does seem to provide a real effect -more than a bit of relaxation. My primary finding thusfar is this product's ability to induce drowsiness. Though the label recommends the product be taken in the morning, I recommend that you see how it feels for you before taking it on the morning of a day on which you have things to do since, at least for me, it seems to produce a sleepiness about equal to 50mg diphenhydramine.
Now, what about its anti-anxiety effects? Well, I would say it slightly decreases anxiety, but I personally feel that standardized hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort) provides at least the same benefit -without the drowsiness. Nonetheless, I do want to emphasize that this standardized Lemon Balm extract indeed has a significant effect (unlike so many other herbal products), so if your goal is to try something that may help with anxiety, it may be worth your while.
An additional note is that I often experience light (or stronger) allergic reactions with many herbs, but this particular herb did not produce any noticeable allergies for me.
Overall, I would say that this product could be seen more as an herbal sleep aid -strong enough to help you sleep, but not necessarily strong enough to put you to sleep. However, the anxiolytic effects are questionable, especially when weighed against the drowsiness it produces. Perhaps longer-term use or lower-dosage (like half a capsule) would be better fit.
Update: Now that I have tried it several more times, I find that the drowsiness has subsided considerably (presumably as a result of tolerance) and that taking one before sleep provides a mild anti-anxiety effect through the night and for the first few hours after waking. I am still not sure I would want to take one upon waking, but for me, they serve as a comfortable and pleasant sleep aid.
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