I have used Hyland's Teething tablets for years-for my own kids when they were teething, and have recommended this product many times. I am now watching my god-daughter's baby who is teething and having a difficult time. I immediately ordered a bottle of Teething Tablets for her. I was dismayed when I learned that it now only contains Chamomile, and that Belladonna, the homeopathic ingredient used to treat inflammation has been removed. When checking Hyland's website, there was a discussion stating that Homeopathic Belladonna was safe. They further stated that it would take at least 10 bottles of the homeopathic preparation to be ingested by an infant before any side effects of toxicity were seen. There was no explanation as to why it was removed from the teething preparation. I can only say that the Teething Tablets alone do not work. My only suggestion for parents or caregivers struggling with the suffering of a teething baby and wanting to go the natural approach, is to buy an additional bottle of Belladonna 30x, and give both the Teething Tabs and Belladonna together. This would have been the original formula. It is unfortunate that many parents will resort back to Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen and just assume that those "natural remedies" don't work.

After years of being a non-believer, I discovered something, called Taurox, that has helped me considerably with chronic fatigue, I am not cured, but am better, So I decided to explore other homeopathic remedies, bought all sorts of concoctions, And have found chamomilla to be one of the more useful, Is terrific for just taking mild edge off,,,,,,,when I want to take a short nap it helps me along some, I take three or four tablets under my tongue, As often as I like, It's a goodie, And safe,
Buy Chammomilla 30X by Hylands 250 Tablets Now
I bought these when teething tabs went off the market. Though they are back on the market, I still used the chamomillia. They seemed to calm my son who was teething. I also used them on my other son when he needed to calm down, and on my husband and myself when we had trouble sleeping. I think it is a great homeopathic product and I would definitely purchase it in the future.
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For my poor little guy it didn't and I got it instead of colic to try to find something better... IT'S NOT!!! He's fussy, gassy, and not sleeping and just when I was so enjoying his smile he doesn't want to anymore.. IF YOU ALREADY SWEAR BY HYLAND'S COLIC STAY WITH IT THIS ISN'T BETTER FOR THEM AS FAR AS COLIC GOES.. For teething maybe but my lil guy is only 3 months old and doesn't have those yet.. Now off to try to find some decently priced colic on here since I can't find any in tx... Happy Parenting everyone and good luck:)
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I think this works well, and my daughter happily takes it. I have purchased this product many times and will continue to do so however long it is needed by my children
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