So I took 2 tablets at bedtime and the next day my skin was painful on my left leg. It felt as if I had a sunburn. This skin pain has spread. Then I noticed the rash, and, though this is embarrassing to write about, the rash is in my genital area (oh the misery!). There is no way I came in contact with poison ivy. For one thing, I had not been near any plant life, and another thing, well, it's hard to come in contact with poison ivy "down there", unless one is in the habit of running naked through the woods (I'm not).
The ONLY thing I did prior to developing this rash is take this medicine. My husband said to wait until I'm all cleared up and then try taking it again, to be 100% sure it's the Restful Legs that caused this. But I'll pass. I'm not going to give it a second try.
I searched online and did find others who, after taking Rhus Tox, developed a poison ivy rash. So I'm not alone apparently.
I'm really rather put out by this. Had they said what Rhus Tox was then I might (MIGHT) not have taken this. But you fellow restlegs legs sufferers know how bad restlegs legs can be. Who knows that I might have tried it anyway out of desparation to help my restlegs legs, which has grown more frequent and more severe as I've aged.
But with the reaction I got, I'll take the restless legs. It's the lesser of two evils.
*** update I took this on a Wednesday, and it's now the following Monday. I had to see my doctor for this and she confirmed that the rash is a poison ivy rash. I'm now taking Prednisone to combat this. My doctor took my bottle of Restful Legs and said she intends to report it to the FDA. She said imagine if an 80 year old had this same reaction.
*** second update the manufacturer won't give me their insurance company's name in order for me to file a claim to recover my medical costs. They won't even file a claim on my behalf (this is why they carry product liability insurance, to cover things like this but what good does it do me, the customer, if they won't file a claim?) They insist I get a lawyer and THEN they will have the insurance company talk with the lawyer. So let me see... I'm out the cost of medical care to treat the poison ivy rash I broke out in after taking 2 of their pills, I'm out the cost of prescription drugs, out lost income, and now I'm supposed to cough up money for a lawyer, just to file an insurance claim?This product works perfectly for me, when my legs are restless at night and keeping me from getting sleep. I highly recommendPerfect for times when legs are restless! The tablets are perfect to calm the legs so activity of the day can be pursued.
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