myBaby Soundspa Lullaby Sound Machine and Projector

myBaby Soundspa Lullaby Sound Machine and ProjectorWe just bought this today so I will update if anything changes but so far, so good. We have a 7-month-old notorious for her sleep troubles. Naps are 20 minutes long, only while being held. Bedtime consists of 45-60 min of crying before finally passing out from exhaustion. We used this product tonight at bedtime for the first time and baby was entranced at the moving images for about 20 minutes before she peacefully drifted off to sleep. No crying involved. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED. The only issue that I had with the machine was that the timer button didn't seem to be working when I first pressed it. I think I may not have been pressing it hard enough though because we got it to work fine after a couple tries.

Update: I'm not changing my 5-star rating because the product is still fine, but my daughter got over the novelty of images projected on the ceiling pretty quickly. Also, it started to become a distraction after she turned about 10 months old. We've since stopped using it.

We got this as a gift. My 3month old son must have water sounds when he sleeps, and every type of machine we have shuts off after x minutes. This one we plug in, and literally runs for days (who has time to turn it off and on?) We use it in his bedroom, and often have to unplug it and bring it downstairs. Finally I'm buying my second one. It was also an added bonus with the projector. My son is a big fan of staring at the ceiling fan and now loves this too. More than a few times he has gone to bed awake and stares at it until he falls back asleep. If I had to think of one negative, its that the projector is pretty bright. I use it as a nightlight too for feedings so it doesnt bother me. Love love love this product!

Buy myBaby Soundspa Lullaby Sound Machine and Projector Now

My son was given the SS-3000 (previous model) SoundSpa as a gift for my grandchild. It lasted less than 3 months. We were pleased when we saw this new model (MYB-S300) because we hoped the manufacturer had corrected the previous design flaws. But just in case, I bought 2. Sadly the new model is no better than the old model. The new model lasted less than 2 months so we used the second new one faster than expected. The failure mode was no projected image (sound still working). Before throwing the failed unit out, I decided to take it apart (not too difficult but time consuming). What I found was the motor contacts were fouled with the grease from the motor bushing. Once cleaned and re-assembled, the unit is working again. If the manufacturer would have spent a dollar more on the motor I believe the product would be as good as it should be.

Read Best Reviews of myBaby Soundspa Lullaby Sound Machine and Projector Here

My son received one of these from his grand mom before he was born. It eventually stopped rotating & we replaced it with a new one. I also bought one for my new baby. In less than 3 months both are broken. One still rotates but is terribly loud when in use. The other stopped rotating completely :( will be returning both to the store.

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1st unit lasted 3-4 months, but then the projector stopped working. I had it replaced, but the projector on the replacement stopped working after 2 weeks. Same issue as others reported, projector disc will not spin so there is only a still image. AVOID this product!

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