Earthing Universal Mat & Cover

Earthing Universal Mat & CoverSo I got this almost a month back. For about 20 days I used it in my bed under my legs. (now I use the queen half-bedsheet while sleeping)

I suffer from Adrenal fatigue which is basically not having enough energy to do even daily tasks. The first thing I noticed immediately using this mat is that I have more energy the next day.

I wake up more refreshed now where before I used to wake up feeling like the sleep didn't refresh me... like I still felt fatigued. I also found that its more easier to stay asleep when grounded (insomniacs take note!). This energy has helped to be more positive every day; it helps me to do more of my everyday tasks and more easily. Seriously, I feel like I have a new life. I felt so good that I bought the queen bed sheet.

I still nap during the day as I need energy because of my extreme condition. But I feel that using this technology over the next several months should help me tremendously.

For computer use, I notice that I feel less fatigued and "wired" than if I was not using the mat. Probably by about a third to a half.

Watch out for my updates!

UPDATE: March 25,2011

Note: I use both this computer pad and the half bed-sheet.

In regards to the computer pad; it still works the same way. I feel it is absorbing away that staticky energy and leaves me more grounded... in other words I am feeling better. Highly recommended if you use computer for a long time. I sometimes even use it while watching a movie on HD TV (which emit a lot of EMFs!)

the half bed-sheet: Still works just as well. My energy levels are better with the amount of sleep I get while on bed sheet. Even if I just lie on the sheet without getting sleep... I feel refreshed... in direct relation to how much time I've spent on it. (In addition the more of the sheet that is touching my body, the more it seems to work; just like the inventor says. So I have it laying vertical for maximum contact.) Earthing has helped tremendously with my ADRENAL FATIGUE but I've reached a sort of plateau because of new stressors. They're sort of crossing each other out. It could have been much worse without the earthing. I am planning to move to a rental home soon (from an apartment now) and start gardening. Because I see how important it is to stay in touch with the earth, literally.


January 05, 2012

I just wanted to add that 13 months later, the computer mat is still conductive and working but the bed sheets are not. They don't last more than a few months.


I've been using my earthing mat for a little over a month now. I sleep with it on my bare legs every night, and using during the day when I am home sitting and what not.

I've been living with physical pain in my left hip, and left leg for 10 years now since I was 15 I am now 25. I was a runner with track and xc in highschool, and I became severely injured and ran on injured legs which made the pain and injury that much more intense. This was all piled high with two separate, invasive leg surgeries a couple years after. I'll acknowledge I haven't ran since then, and probably will never partake in that past time hobby again. Just this past year I have been searching for ways to heal and nourish myself, and to get rid of the pain.

I finally found the Earthing mat with the help of David Wolfe's guidance and supportive videos which lead me to using the earthing mat.

I am feeling better, and I can walk up to 3 miles at certain times with no pain. I have bad days and good days, but each and everyday I notice significant improvements.

If anyone is dealing with physical pain, you need to trust that it works. For so long I have had confusion about whether my body will heal, and now I can finally have a bit of relief.

I have tried a lot of things to try to relieve the pain in my hips and everything I do is only temporary relief.

I can factually say the Earthing Mat, out of my ten years of intense physical pain is the ONLY thing that has got me out of the house walking on trails, knowing that I can walk, and not dread the notion that pain will erupt.

I am more than pleased, and this is a huge turning point in my life to be able to be a part of this Earthing, an amazing discovery.

Its good to walk barefoot and take off shoes outside. It's even better to have an earthing mat, because while you are sleeping, it will be working and connecting you with Earth, and you won't have to worry or feel guilty that you spend so much time being separate from the ground.

Buy Earthing Universal Mat & Cover Now

I love this product. The first day that I used it at my workplace, I was noticably less fatigued after a 10 hour day on the computer in a busy medical practice, also NO HEADACHES!and that could be the sole reason for purchasing this mat! However, I've found other uses, such as putting it under my shoulders

while reading in bed or propping my bare feet on it while sitting watching TV or

reading, and wrapping it around my chronically painful left shoulder and upper arm for immediate pain relief. I bought one for my daughter as she also spends

long hours at the computer, and she has had the same results as I have at the workplace.

Read Best Reviews of Earthing Universal Mat & Cover Here

I waited 4 months before posting my results concerning this earthing "theory" just to be fair and give it a chance...

I read Earthing 4 times and found it so fascinating. Even though the anecdotal stories in the book are quite exciting, I figured at

the very least it might be a supportive health player along with eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising, clean air etc.

I ordered the mat knowing I was going to be able to use it almost all day and night as I work at home in front of the computer and

would also use it while sleeping. Basically I was able to spend about 20 hours a day for 4 months in contact with the mat.

I first used it a couple weeks but experienced absolutely no differences in how I felt...good or bad. I assumed that maybe a placebo-

like affect would have at least gotten my body to think some good was happening, but nothing did. My lack of any physical differences were kind of

puzzling since so many stories in the book mentioned many positive overnight reactions to a few ailments, some of which I had been

experiencing myself for a couple years prior. Supposedly even that of the the main author were differences he felt in just one night. He

tells of how he hooked up metal duct tape to a grounded wire and slept on it for one night and noticed such a big difference in his sleep

and well-being that he apparently felt compelled to devote his time and money into more research. Obviously if it had been me sleeping on

grounded duct tape my lack of well-being would have had me immediately moving on to some other theory to test, but not him. Many stories

are included in the book about fairly quick changes in peoples health. I think I remember one story concerning Lupus which now seems

kind of hard to believe.

Since nothing seemed to be happening, I called one of the companies involved with the mat. Soon I was trading emails back and forth

with someone closely connected to the Earthing book and products. I don't want to give the name as I'm going to quote some of our

correspondence in this review but I want you to know that this is someone extremely involved with the book and the earthing products.

In the meantime I also spent another $40 dollars to buy a voltmeter after watching Clint and several others on youtube show how to

check to see if the mat is actually working correctly. Initially my first thought was the grounding wire was broken. But my mat tested

correct according to the youtube instructions, the voltage did lower when I touched the grounded mat. Of course the theory, according to

the book, is that this lowering of body voltage is supposed to be beneficial. I have tested my outlet and tested the mat.

I emailed my connection about why I wasn't noticing any differences after so many hours on the mat, why there could be so many other

people posting online about also not getting any benefit...was this just another scam to sell books and expensive sheets?

These are a couple of the actual responses:

"In many cases it takes 12-16 weeks for a good healing process." Ok, fine. I've given it many weeks/months, many hours.

"As far as the the negative reviews you saw at are concerned, they were written by idiots who never read the book but just

dismissed the concept out of hand. Best to read the positive reviews. But please keep in mind that nothing is 100 percent and works for


The last response pretty much got me figuring this whole thing is just a scam. I was experiencing no health differences yet I had

never "dismissed the concept out of hand", I knew I had read the book numerous times, watched every video online and was spending many

hours on the mat every day. Eventually I was asked about a long list of health issues I might have. I found this list of diseases that

apparently Earthing has no positive affects on, kind of strange since the book has numerous health challenges grounding seemed to affect

in a positive way in a fairly short amount of time.

So, I was told that negative reviews are only written by idiots.

I'm only writing this to share my experiences with Earthing. In full disclosure, I was eventually given the chance to return my mat

and get my money back. I didn'tas I know in several years I'm sure I'll be stupid enough to plug it in again once I move to a new

apartment...out of curiosity I guess.

For those of you who this legitimately worked for...Congrats. I just wanted the rest of you who innocently gave this a try and

spent money on earthing products and haven't experienced anything like what the book espouses--and written about it here...your not alone.

It was utterly worthless for me also.

And for those of you who think we were kind of silly for even giving this a chance...We/I aren't scientist. Granted there aren't

any legit scientific studies despite what the authors says, but for me it seemed like a common sense kind of thing. I watched Clint on

numerous interviews with Dr Mercola and he really seemed like a nice guy and he seemed to think this would help people. His sincerity is

what helped me decide to give this a try. After all, it was only a small money investment on my part...and I had plenty of time to give

to the mat. I'm not trying to cause trouble for Clint. He seems nice enough. I'm just not sure this whole thing is worth devoting time

and money to.

I live in a very large city where I haven't been in physical contact with the ground in over 11 years. So in my mind I wondered if

that was having any sort of negative health affects on me. Apparently not.

Good luck ya'll...good health, however you find it.

Want Earthing Universal Mat & Cover Discount?

I ordered & received the Earthing mat in August 2011. I used it for 3 months and noticed NO difference in sleeping habits and NO relief of sore muscles. So my husband decided to check the cord with a continuity tester which showed the cord was damaged. We handled this product very carefully and therefore believe the company sent a defective cord. We called the company's customer service number & they refused to replace the cord, insisting we needed to spend more money to buy their test equipment instead. Does this sound suspicious to anyone else? We recommend you save your money and buy from more reputable companies.


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