Exuviance is a wonderful product that I have been using for about three years now.This time of year, my skin tends to dry from the heat, so, I decided to purchase the collection, as it does save money, However, I was not impressed by the sizes of the individual items. They are more like trial size bottles and the tubes more like FWP size. Having used the Bionic tonic, there is a huge difference between it, and the toner in this package.Bionic leaves your face with a natural glow and it feels so clean, the toner, doesn't give any visable results..as for the rest of the products in this particular kit, they are alright. Exuviance makes far better products than what I received in this collection kit. SO, although it is an array of Exuviance products, I would not say this is the best they have to offer and therefor would not recommend, even as a trial. If you are having a particular issue with your dry sensative skin, I would look to other products they sell that not only work better, make your skin feel better, but your skin looks better, glowing and healthy.. I recommend The following in comparison to this Introductory Kit: Vespera Bionic Syrum for all ages/types as it hydrates and renews elasticity. Any of the other syrums are great for older or aging skin and they all improve the texture and feel of your skin instantly, so you get some instant gratification! The Purifying Cleansing Gel is gentle but again, cleans better and skin looks and feels wonderful. They eye products are good,in both this kit and seperate, but if you need some deep down healing, try the 'Hydrating" eye complex.. Again, just after using their other products, which are really great, I am not impressed with this particualar collection and can only give it a 3 rating. But the other products I have mentioned are well worth the money, last about 3 months and you see great improvement in your skin, tone, texture and feel.

I'm glad that I purchased this introductory kit before committing to purchase the full sized Exuviance products. The toner and the night cream were great! My skin is extremely dry and sensitive, but none of the included items caused an allergic reaction. The night cream(forgot exactly what it was called...) really kept my skin soft and supple. The facial cleanser was a little too greasy to my liking. It left the feeling that I could never wash it off my face completely no matter how many times I rinsed my face...
Buy Exuviance Introductory Collection Sensitive/Dry Now
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