New Chapter Tranquilnite Plus

New Chapter Tranquilnite, 30 SoftgelsThis product is the only one I have found that was able to naturally get me to sleep. I tried many products over the years so I could get off of Ambien (which your body gets addicted to and then you can't fall asleep without it). This product was my savior and ultimately helped me break the Ambien addiction. With Ambien and other perscription sleep aids, a person does not experience REM sleep, which is the deepest stage of sleep that helps repair and restore what the body needs. Most people don't know this. Since breaking that habit and taking Tranquilnite (full dose of 3 gels), I have experienced dreams for the first time in years, which means I am reaching a REM state of sleep. Now I can wake up in 8 hrs and feel rested. With Ambien I would wake up in 9 hours and want to go back to sleep. I love, love, love this product!!!

To be concise this product works. It not only works, it does so without any trace of morning after grogginess. I think someone has finally gotten the blend of herbs right for a full night of restful sleep. Excellent product.

Buy New Chapter Tranquilnite Plus Now

With back issues, 2 back surgeries and now myofascial pain and nerve damage, including sciatic, my husband hasn't had a good night's sleep in almost 2 yrs. After much research, I found that Passionflower and Ginger are helpful with myofascial pain & nerve damage. Hops & Valerian root are great sleep inducers, but also allow you to wake feeling refreshed and rested instead of groggy and miserable.

II had gone to the store intending on purchasing several separate bottles...and then I stumbled upon TranquilnitePlus which contained all of them and more.

Since the first night he started taking these, my husband's sleep has improved greatly. It seems to improve the longer he's taken it. He just finished his first bottle and is sleeping very well, and for the first time, looks refreshed and rested when he heads to work. He takes one on weeknights and two on weekend nights so he can sleep in!

I really recommend this product.

Read Best Reviews of New Chapter Tranquilnite Plus Here

These pills work great! Within about 30 minutes of taking them you start to feel really relaxed and your muscles relax. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which is the active ingredient in a lot of over the counter sleep pills, sort of gives you a limited window to fall asleep and also (for me at least) requires you to get a full nights sleep, otherwise you wake up feeling worse than if you hadn't taken them. These just sort of do everything except literally putting you to sleep, and in that way you pretty much just feel more refreshed after any amount of sleep than you would without their support.

My only complaint is that for some reason these pills smell like dirty socks. Like really, really dirty socks. But it obviously doesn't matter unless you leave the container open.

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I am an avid New Chapter fan. I have tried a few of their products that have worked great for me. It pains me to leave such a negative review on anything New Chapter :-( However I have to be truthful as I take the reviews I to heart.

I used about 80% of the bottle and took three pills at once every time and it did not out me to sleep at all. At one point, I thought they were working but then I realized I took them when I was already tired and about to doze off anyway. I then took them several times when I was wide-awake at 12-1am and NOTHING! I ended falling asleep hours later. Sorry to say but I do NOT recommend this product at all. I am going to try melatonin see how that work for me.

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