This product is FABULOUS!! My son,16, has Tourette's Syndrome,Asperger's Syndrome ,very Hyperactive, suffers from insmonia but is very sensitive to prescription and over the counter products yet has amazing results with herbal supplements. He takes 1/2 a gummie in the afternoon with 1 Valerian when he gets in from school and BOOM! Takes the edge off ,he loves it.No it doesn't stop his tics but it DOES help him relax and when he is relaxed he doesn't tic near as much. At bedtime ..... 2 Gummies, 6 mg Melatonin, 2-3 Valerian Root Capsules and 2/1000mg Magnesium. Knocks him out like a light, he is so happy with the results ! Sometimes he will sleep 6 hours sometimes 8 hours but ,and he will tell you, it's way better than without it which he was only getting 2-3 hrs a night without anything. Back to the gummies.... I have a very hard time staying asleep and I have been taking them with Melatonin and I find it easier to fall back asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night.It also helps me with anxiety if taken during the day.People don't realize this product can be taken during the day too for other disorders ,not just insomnia ;). You can get it at WalMart for less than $8 for the 60 count bottle. I paid $7.74 at my local WalMart.

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