TRUE ROMANTIC LOVE Natural MOONSTONE small cute HEART PENDANT with NECKLACE (1) ... from Hibiscus Ex

TRUE ROMANTIC LOVE Natural MOONSTONE small cute HEART PENDANT with NECKLACE ... from Hibiscus Express
  • ONE (1) TRUE ROMANTIC LOVE Natural MOONSTONE small cute HEART PENDANT withNECKLACE *Color = Clear White ** Length: 25x18 mmabout 1/2 inch up & across ** ) PERFECT GIFT FOR THE TRUE LOVER ****- MOONSTONE has long considered to have inherent connections to the moon by all ancient cultures familiar with the stone, it was used during the waxing of the moon for love charms and during the waning of the moon to foretell the future. The moonstone in India is quite a sacred stone, it is only permitted to be displayed on a yellow cloth. In this culture they called the moonstone Candra Kanta, and it is told that moonlight from a full moon gives the gemstone occult and magical powers. It is believed to bring much good fortune and allows one to see the future. To dream of moonstone means travel and good health, but may also symbolize the unfolding of spiritual and psychic development.
  • Gives wealth and the gift of prophecy, helps one connect with the feminine side of one's nature as well as with the Goddess. It works wonders when matched with garnet, it reveals the truth behind illusions and will help to unmask hidden or secret enemies. /** Other names for this stone are water opal, fish-eye, and wolf's-eye.*This gemstone enhances the psychic, so it may help to keep a piece with divinatory tools. For true seekers of higher spiritual development and wisdom, moonstone will open the gateway to the subconscious; at the same time it will not permit entrance by any who are not ready for the experience. Helps with making communication with your guides easier. - If you are a sensitive individual, please to avoid contact with moonstone during the time of the full moon, as you can become so open to the psychic and other realms of being that it can be quite unnerving. - Wear this stone when giving divination and reading, though be prepared to receive secret information that the person might not want discussed at any time.
  • Chakra Classification: Moonstone is most beneficial on the 2nd, or Sacral/Navel Chakra, for most, but it also connects 2nd, or Sacral/Navel Chakra and 6th, or Third Eye/Brow Chakra for emotional balance and gracefulness.* It is, as well, used to balance the 4th, or Heart Chakra, in helping us discern what we want and what we they do not come from the same place. Moonstone can assist you in absorbing those necessary things in life, while helping you discern what is merely wanted.* Moonstone will help achieve a balance between heart and mind without losing the gentleness and caring needed, yet keep the emotions in check to allow you to function properly.
  • Healing Properties: The Moonstone is said to assist with female issues and with childbirth. By unblocking the lymphatic system, it can heal and balance the stomach, pancreas, and pituitary gland. It can reduce swelling and excess body fluid. Placed under the pillow it will allow for a more peaceful sleep, and is often used as a cure for insomnia, and used along with the amethyst.*Magical Properties: Energy: Receptive / Element: Water / Deities: Diana, Selene, Isis, all/lunar goddess /Associated stone: Quartz Crystal / Associated metal: Silver/ Powers: Love, divination, sleep, gardening, protection, youth, dieting, psychic abilities. Moonstone is receptive and love-drawing. This wonderful gemstone is also gently protective.* Each individual must work with the moonstone to see if it works better during the waxing or waning moon for themselves or the type of divination one is doing. The moonstone is said to change it's luster with the phases of the moon, being brighter of the waxing for full moon and darker on the waning or the new moon.

Thank you for mailing this beautiful moonstone pendant so quickly.

I opened this little box and there were two different size silver chain.

I am amazed with this mysterious and yet smooth surface heart shaped pendant.

It seems to have soothing effect. I need a good luck with my life

and totally feeling more peace with this. I feel a new thing will start somehow.

Thank you to Hibiscus Express!

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