I don't have severe acne but I do get break outs here n there some times as exposed skin care might say this might not suit u but I don't think that should be the case for very mild acne. I am totally disgusted after 2 weeks use and I followed instructions to the book. I did not see any improvements infact i saw more break outs at different spots on my face.This should not be happening as this product must be taking care of my skin not messing it up.
Wish I could get my money back. I had contacted amazon web support they said they will look into this but this questions amazons as a review based website as anyone could hire people to post good reviews and scam other people..
After fiasco I gave proactive a try and it is controlling the acne and I see better results within 7 days. But I want to warn amazon again about this scam of fake good reviews.. this questions your credibility amazon and I want my answer why do all the people with 4 or 5 star review have only 1 review only for this product?
I wish Amazon had some good mechanism to check this kind of scam.I hope this helps other Amazon customers. Exposed Acne Treatment Basic KitI had very severe acne when starting this product and used it for over 2 months with no improvement. I eventually had to return this product frustrated with no results after spending time and money on Exposed. I have used Proactiv and Neutrogena and I do not find them any better, but if you are going to go for non-prescription acne treatment I would still probably recommend Exposed because the customer service is much better. It has a lifetime warranty so if you do not get results you can return the product and they will reimburse your first kit which is really good. The warranty for other products like Proactiv is much worse so if choosing between the two spend a little more on Exposed but get a better return policy. Again, if you have health insurance and you acne is from moderate to severe I think you are wasting your time getting over-the-counter products.
If you have severe acne like I had, the single best thing you can do is go see a dermatologist and the sooner the better. They devote their lives to correcting skin problems such as acne and will prescribe stronger medications for severe acne patients that get the job done. I have been on prescription topical medications and in two months have experienced excellent results. With insurance I am not spending any more on my prescription medications as I did with the over-the-counter treatments and personalized doctor prescribed medications have actually worked.
Buy Exposed Acne Treatment - Basic Kit Now
I have always had pimples, never acne, but consistently I have had a pimple or two until I began using this product. It didn't dry out my skin, but it did clear it up! I have tried a lot of other acne treatment systems and they were either too harsh or made my skin worse than ever! I know that there are more popular systems out there, but it continues to baffle me as to why?! Other systems may have a bigger advertising budget, but their products remain inferior! Not only is Exposed great at clearing up breakouts, it does so without the harsh smelling chemicals that are the "Method of Operation" for so many other products!Read Best Reviews of Exposed Acne Treatment - Basic Kit Here
(I posted this review on the other kit, thought it would be relevant here too) I'm 30, a dude, and have been fighting with my skin since i was about 14. I've gone through cheapo in store products (too many to name) and some of the more expensive products: Murad, clinique, etc. No matter what i always had blackheads, a few random pimples, and about 1 to 2 times a month i would get a lovely breakout. my skin wasnt THAT bad but i always always always had problems. I found Exposed by accident. I went online looking for alternative ways to get my skin to stop screwing with me and i got a link for the exposed "lifestyle tips" page. That led me to looking into the actual product. I skeptically pulled the trigger and got the uber kit with all the goodies. First week was not that rough, i got a few new pimples but i noticed my blackheads were getting a little smaller. Most skin care programs will warn you that it usually gets worse before it gets better. It got better. Weeks 2 and 3 showed steady improvement, few new minor pimples and my skin started looking healthier. I'm on the middle of week 4 and my skin looks better than it has in longer than i can remember. I KNOW my skin is healthier too. I used to get up early so i could give my face time to calm down before i went to work. Even washing it gently with my hands would leave it red, patchy, and swollen. Lotion was also a daily requirement. Definitely not the case now, i scrub and scrub and no irritation. I also know it's healthier cause of the comments i get at work. People complain about the tonic. It DOES hurt at first. get over it, your skin is jacked up. I started using it once every other day there was certainly a little discomfort. Now i use it 1 to 2 times a day and there is absolutely no discomfort. Actually, all of the products in this kit have a much shorter and extreme "getting used to" period than other stuff i have tried. I recommend geting the kit with everything on your first buy. Some stuff works better for certain people. I live with my sister and we both use the products a little differently. Try them all and then you can re-buy the ones you really like. Lastly, i like that this program addresses scarring. I've definitely got a few red marks from all the years of torment and like exposed claims, the marks are fading.I looked at the other reviews, definitely a few fakes, it's kind of off putting but whatever. If you leave a comment i'll try to respond. I know how awful it is to worry about your skin all the time and if my input can help another exhausted acne victim i will be glad to give it. No skin care program works for everyone, just make sure give whatever you try a fair chance. Nothing is going to happen overnight. I strongly recommend giving Exposed a chance.
PS, wash your pillow cases... a lot. people always forget to do that.I was VERY skeptical before ordering this product. I've always struggled with acne and have never had clear skin. I tried proactive in the past, but hated the results! Now that I'm getting married I was desperate to try something that would work. I went online for recommendations and noticed this product seemed to top all the lists. I'd never heard of Exposed before so I read the reviews and ordered the basic kit to start (in case it didn't work). Within 2 days I'd noticed the change! Within a few weeks my skin cleared up, breakouts were gone, and the texture of my skin was transformed! I no longer breakout, (which used to be a constant occurrence for me) and when I do notice a pimple, its tiny and is usually gone in a day or two. I feel so good about my skin now because it's FINALLY the skin I was meant to have! I would recommend this to ¡EVERYONE! who deals with embarrassing acne and wants a product that doesn't just clear your skin for a week, but keeps it clear consistently day after day...I'm hooked for life.
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