I am ordering more because my night sweats have gone down from four to five a night to one or two and the intensity of those have decreased dramatically. I don't have nearly as many hot flashes during the day either. I'm going to try the Testosterone cream that they recommend to see if that helps in other areas. I haven't seen the weight loss that others have seen...but I haven't gained any more either (I gained ten pounds over the last year).
Mendapause Menopause Supplement for Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, and Mood SwingsMendapause Progesterone Cream with Natural Bioidentical USP ProgesteroneHot flashes were really starting to impact my life in a negative way. I tried alot of products but nothing worked until I found mendapause. I still get hot sometimes (maybe once every few months) but I can blowdry my hair without breaking out in a sweat, and I don't ever feel like I am boiling from the inside. I am so glad I found this product!!!Only once I ran out did I know how important these two products, (cream and capsules) are to my well being inside and out! Moods up and down and dry, crepey skin without it. Balanced moods, smoother skin with it! I won't run out again!I started taking the pills in conjunction with the cream and I think it's helping. They say it takes about 30-60 days and I'm at day 50. I can definitely tell a difference in hair and skin.. Hard to determine mood difference as I stopped taking antidepressants when I started this so in a bit of an uproar chemically speaking. I think this will be a help and I intend to give it a good six months before I make a final decision.I am using this alone not in conjunction with otehr products I have been using for almost two months as of this writing. I have always had a quick temper and very passionate emotions but with the onset of Menopause I was just down right MEAN! I would even say Harpylike. I was even losing my temper at work, something I have worked years to control, but I suddenly had apsolutely no control almost lost my job too. started using this (I was so bad off that I use it every day) and I am better than I have ever been in my whole life I think that I have had low progesterone my whole life and this is somthing I have always needed. I am the women I should have been all these years. I make sure I put it in a different area every day and was my hands immediatly afterword so that I have never had a problem with the cinnimon burning my eyes I also have psoriasis and I was worried that I would havve an adverse affect but taht was nto the case in fact I think this has also helped with that too (I do you other medicine for the psoriasis as well) but the healing has sped up and new lesion less likely to form I will definately be ordering more VERY soon don't want to run out EVER!
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