Jatamansi Oil - 4oz (For Hair & Body Massage)--Promotes sound relaxing sleep

Jatamansi Oil - 4oz--Promotes sound relaxing sleepI bought this oil because I was desperate to cure my intermittent bouts of insomnia without relying on oral medicine that could possibly affect my liver. I was skeptical at first. I mean, really, an oil that can help me relax and sleep? For real???

Well, I can attest that Jatamansi oil is an excellent oil for just that purpose. I massage a little into my feet, temples and forehead after my evening shower, and WHAM! I am out like a light with none of that morning grogginess that comes with ingesting pills. Jatamansi is also good for hair growth.

But beware. It stinks. To me it smells like dirty laundry that's been in the hamper a little too long. I suppose you could always spice it up with some lavender eo or don some perfume afterwards.

In any case, I'm glad to be sleeping again, so the stink is worth it to me. Can't smell it when I'm sleep anyway!

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