works great! puts you to sleep quickly and deeply ... careful not to take it too late when you have to wake up early

I purchased Relax Night-MELATONIN FREE directly from TRB and am surprised it works as well as it does. I am always a skeptic, so I took a risk by purchasing a kit from TRB, but, like I said, I'm pleasantly surprised. It take Melatonin Free Relax Night because in the past Melatonin has given me very vivid, violent nightmares. I take a tsp of this "juice" about 20 minutes before bedtime as part of my nighttime hygiene. I take a long, hot, relaxing shower; take the fluid; and prepare for bed. I sleep very well on much less Trazadone by using this product.
Buy Relax Night with Melatonin - Reduces time to fall asleep and increases sleep quality Now
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