MicrofoamTM Surgical Tape - Elastic Foam

3M Microfoam Tape 1' x 5 1/2 yd, stretched Box: 12good one for my pointe class, I used it to wrapper my toes, it works very well. ordered the whole box and shared with my classmates,

Not as useful as I thought it would be adhesive quality not effective for substitute for tape. However, it is great for those who are undergoing surgical procedures who are alergic to adhesive tape.

Buy MicrofoamTM Surgical Tape - Elastic Foam Now

This stuff works! Thought it sticks to your skin, it doesn't "remove" your skin when you remove the tape this tape is perfect!

Read Best Reviews of MicrofoamTM Surgical Tape - Elastic Foam Here

I need this type of soft foam tape at about an inch, so this product is PERRRRRfect and it saved my life and my sight. Have to use it medically and this tape has worked when ALL ELSE and ALL OTHERS have failed. THANK YOU !!!

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