Herbatonin 3mg Plant Melatonin 60 Capsules for Sleep, Travel & Shift Work

Herbatonin 3mg Plant Melatonin 60 Capsules for Sleep, Travel & Shift WorkYes it works well for me. Note that we have to take it at about 10pm. Do not wait until midnight.

One concern is about the possibility of addiction. Anybody knows about this?

My N.P. advised me to try this. Not only did I have insomnia, but after traveling for decades I simply could not handle my usual 2-3 hour time zone change. My clock off drastically. First I tried Tryptophan to no avail, then I was advised to take one of these at bed time. No more waking up after just four hours of sleep! No hangover. Pure, economical, and effective. It's all this gal can ask for.

Buy Herbatonin 3mg Plant Melatonin 60 Capsules for Sleep, Travel & Shift Work Now


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