Med Tech Products Med Tech Products Doctors Nightguard Advanced Comfort

Doctor'S Nightguard Advanced Comfort, 1 Box4 years ago I had a dental guard custom made at the dentist's office. I was not surprised to learn that my bruxism treatment wasn't covered by my insurance. I wasn't happy, but I paid the 400 bucks for it. I was scratching all my teeth up and something had to be done. Unfortunately, you have to wear those devices regularly. If you don't, you will find it fits your teeth less and less. The doctor helped re-adjust it come, but I still found it to be a bit too tight. I also disliked how extremely hard the plastic was. There was zero shock absorption. It protected my teeth, but it often made my jaw muscles hurt more.

Although nothing will fit like one made at your dentist, I was surprised by how well this fit. It does not slip and I can close my mouth comfortably. The key is to follow the directions EXACTLY. It's critical that when you insert it into your mouth to mold it that you do it right. Do not start to bite down until you have lined it up with your front teeth properly. Time it all, use a mirror like instructed, and make sure you do the suction part quickly and long enough. It says you can try multiple attempts, but just by looking at how much I've indented it, I'm pretty confident that only subtle changes could be made. It's a little bit soft, which is WONDERFUL, since I now cringe at the thought of super hard plastic.

I do have a very small mouth. I can't even use those teeth whitener devices because they make me gag. So I'm completely blown away by this. Considering the price, I do not think I'll ever need my dentist to make me one again. I do not know how different this is from the other "The Doctor's", but I did read those complaints. All I know is this one beat my expectations. It doesn't slip, it's not too tight, and it's just comfortable. Sure, it feels better to wear nothing than it does to wear any night guard, but this is dang close to perfect. And if I lose THIS one I'm not going to freak out. Well worth the 20 bucks!

Edit: Keep in mind I've worn a night guard before, so I'm completely used to it. There is nothing that will sit in your mouth all night that you won't notice, at least at first. Many folks water at the mouth for the first night or two, but that will stop as your brain adjusts to it. The important thing is that it stays comfortable, then after awhile you forget you are wearing it.

I've tried Dentek's Custom Comfort, and Sleep Right's Slim Comfort Adjustable Night Guard. Both worked okay except they're too bulky, and my mouth would not remain closed after I fell asleep. Well, if you've ever slept with your mouth open for whatever reason you know how dry and nasty your mouth will eventually feel sleeping this way -and the sensation will probably wake you in the middle of the night. In fact, after a few days of this, the soft tissues in your mouth will start to feel like leather -not good.

This product is made so no material sits between the teeth at the front of your mouth and your inner lips. That allows your lips to come together and maintain your mouth's microclimate moist and warm while your teeth are cradled in soft cushy plastic that hampers their nightly shenanigans.

You will do well to read and follow the fitting instructions to the t. I had to re-fit mine several times. However the plastic never lost its ability to be reshaped and then retain its new shape. The advice of one reviewer who suggests not biting down all the way when fitting the mouth guard in order to have it last longer does make sense since this will allow for a thicker and hence stronger plastic layer between the teeth. However this will also make it harder for your lips to come together -a definite concern for people with small mouths. The nice thing is you can experiment since you can always reshape it later.

Buy Med Tech Products Med Tech Products Doctors Nightguard Advanced Comfort Now

I've worn a nightguard for bruxism for many years. The one I got from my dentist cost several hundred dollars, was hard and inflexible and I always hated it. 9 nights out of ten I would find it on my bedside table in the morning with no memory of removing it. It finally broke. With no dental insurance I gave this a try and was pleasantly surprised. It's far more comfortable than what I got from the dentist. I can even close my mouth when it's in place which I couldn't do with the so-called professional one.

I have not been removing it in my sleep and that is the best part of all.

The only reason I didn't give this five stars is that it is a little tricky to mold and it is clear from the little while that I have had it that it is not going to last long. It is soft and comfortable but also getting quickly chewed and damaged. But at the low cost I'll definitely continue using this product rather than pay a dentist for another "professional grade" hockey puck.

Read Best Reviews of Med Tech Products Med Tech Products Doctors Nightguard Advanced Comfort Here

I have severe bruxism and the pain wakes me up at night. I've lost two teeth as a result of the grinding and clenching. My dentist told me it would be $500 for him to fit me with a custom night guard, so he suggested I go to Dick's Sporting Goods to buy an athletic mouth guard. I bought two different ones, including the kind you boil for a custom fit, and they were horrible. Way too big and bulky, and when I tried to sleep, saliva would pool behind the guard and leak out of my mouth. Horrible. I threw both away and tried other methods to help my bruxism, including anxiety medication (which did nothing) to supposedly relax me and my jaw.

I was in a pharmacy yesterday and happened to see this Doctor's advanced comfort night guard. It was $25 (much cheaper here!) and I decided it was the last thing I would try before paying the dentist $500.

One commenter wrote a one-star review saying this is hard plastic and uncomfortable. I'm guessing he/she didn't read the directions. You have to boil this and fit it to your mouth exactly according to the directions (same as you do for most of the athletic mouth guards). I was SHOCKED at the perfect fit I got. It "locks" to my top teeth just as the directions say. Last night I had the BEST sleep I've had in at least a year. Woke up without jaw/tooth/gum pain and without a headache. Amazing! I am going to buy another one for when I wear this one out (I'm wearing it in the day, too, because I have day and night bruxism). I am so happy with this product. I highly doubted it would work or fit right, especially following my experience with the athletic mouth guards. I am thrilled!

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here are some good tips that i hope will help some of you out there. the advanced version seems to be less bulky than the classic version, which is a good thing.

try and mold the guard to your bottom teeth so that it doesn't fall out all the time.

if you bite down less into the guard during the molding process, then you'll have a guard that may last twice as long!

this is my 2nd guard, so hopefully my tips will help it last a little longer this time.

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