Exposed Acne Treatment - Ultimate Kit

Exposed Acne Treatment - Ultimate Kit(I posted this review on the other kits, not trying to spam, just wanna help) I'm 30, a dude, and have been fighting with my skin since i was about 14. I've gone through cheapo in store products (too many to name) and some of the more expensive products: Murad, clinique, etc. No matter what i always had blackheads, a few random pimples, and about 1 to 2 times a month i would get a lovely breakout. my skin wasnt THAT bad but i always always always had problems. I found Exposed by accident. I went online looking for alternative ways to get my skin to stop screwing with me and i got a link for the exposed "lifestyle tips" page. That led me to looking into the actual product. I skeptically pulled the trigger and got the uber kit with all the goodies. First week was not that rough, i got a few new pimples but i noticed my blackheads were getting a little smaller. Most skin care programs will warn you that it usually gets worse before it gets better. It got better. Weeks 2 and 3 showed steady improvement, few new minor pimples and my skin started looking healthier. I'm on the middle of week 4 and my skin looks better than it has in longer than i can remember. I KNOW my skin is healthier too. I used to get up early so i could give my face time to calm down before i went to work. Even washing it gently with my hands would leave it red, patchy, and swollen. Lotion was also a daily requirement. Definitely not the case now, i scrub and scrub and no irritation. I also know it's healthier cause of the comments i get at work. People complain about the tonic. It DOES hurt at first. get over it, your skin is jacked up. I started using it once every other day there was certainly a little discomfort. Now i use it 1 to 2 times a day and there is absolutely no discomfort. Actually, all of the products in this kit have a much shorter and extreme "getting used to" period than other stuff i have tried. I recommend geting the kit with everything on your first buy. Some stuff works better for certain people. I live with my sister and we both use the products a little differently. Try them all and then you can re-buy the ones you really like. Lastly, i like that this program addresses scarring. I've definitely got a few red marks from all the years of torment and like exposed claims, the marks are fading.

I looked at the other reviews, definitely a few fakes, it's kind of off putting but whatever. If you leave a comment i'll try to respond. I know how awful it is to worry about your skin all the time and if my input can help another exhausted acne victim i will be glad to give it. No skin care program works for everyone, just make sure give whatever you try a fair chance. Nothing is going to happen overnight. I strongly recommend giving Exposed a chance.

PS, wash your pillow cases... a lot. people always forget to do that.

I found this product because I was looking for proactive for my daughter and found an online article that compared the 4 top acne products. I decided on Exposed products based on that article. My daughter is a 14 yr old tomboy, and while her acne bothers her, she can't be bothered with skincare routines. I bought the complete pkg hoping that it would work well enough to motivate my daugher to actually use this product properly. I was amazed at the results we saw as soon as the next day. All the redness was gone and her blemishes were shrinking already. She had some issues with irritation the first week, but, she just uses a little less now and it doesn't seem to be a problem. She is still a little hit-or-miss with her skincare routine, and the acne comes back when she isn't using it properly, but, as soon as she gets her act together it always works for her. I am also very happy with how healthy her skin looks even when she doesn't use it consistently. I am very glad to have found this product because Jr. High girls have enough "drama" without the out-of-control acne complicating things :)

Buy Exposed Acne Treatment - Ultimate Kit Now

I am 35 years old and have had acne problems my whole life. I used proactiv for about a decade and it recently stopped working for me. I have been using exposed for the last 2 months and I love it. It is not just an acne product it is also a skin product. My skin is rejuvanated, glowing and acne free. I recommend buying the ultimate kit to start so you can try all of the products and decide what products you like. My favorite is the mask and the clear pore serum. The probiotic complex is also a great way to fight the acne internally instead of the prescription anti-biotics my dermatologist prescribed.

Read Best Reviews of Exposed Acne Treatment - Ultimate Kit Here

I absolutely love this product! It really does clear up my skin so well, and the best part is it feels so healthy. Believe me when I say I have tried everything from Proactive to dermatologists. This product beats them all! Finally, something that really works!

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i got the ultimate kit, and i think thats the best way to do it. you wont need to replenish a majority of it each time. if you get a bad breakout you can use the mask more or the scrub..i noticed a difference in my pores within a few weeks. spending so much money also makes you take better care of yourself as well. like a diet, you can't expect major change without work, using it as appropriated, paying attention to the tips (drinking water, washing pillow cases, eating healthy) ... you wont see amazing results unless you take care of yourself along with these products. this is the first line ive ever purchased and its worth a try. i have dryer skin w/oily t-zone and i rarely need to use the moisturizer which is pretty amazing to me.


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