For those in search of truly all-natural products, we've been having luck with natural flower essences (Bach's is the brand we use). The effect was not immediate, but it's intended to progressively improve temperament and other emotional issues, to a point where the product is no longer needed. In other words, it's not meant as a lifelong symptom masker, but as an actual treatment. Hope this helps those with children with food allergies / sensitivities.
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Our oldest son (5) is very intelligent but would have tantrums where he couldn't seem to control his emotions. We were cautious about giving him any kind of medication because we didn't want to change who he was, just calm him down. The first couple days, we noticed a slight reduction in the number and intensity of the outbursts but still questioned whether or not it was the medicine or just his mood at the time. Over the next week, we noticed that he was a lot more compliant when told to turn the TV off, put toys away, or turn off a video game. Instead of uncontrolled crying and verbal outbursts, he would just huff a little and do what he was told! While on the medication, the number, intensity, and duration of any tantrum has been greatly reduced! He is now our wonderful intelligent little boy who can verbalize what is bothering him as opposed to just screaming and lashing out.We did have a week lapse in medication when I ordered more and during that time, the tantrums went back to their previous intensity and there were no noted side effects. My wife said that I am no longer allowed to be late on another order. Our son is also picky about the flavors of medicines he will take and normally hates grape flavors. The first dose was struggle to get him to take (there might have been an ice cream bribe) but after that, he loves the taste and will even use the syringe to take the dose himself! We started the doses as stated on the bottle (1 tsp every 4 hours) but now that he is a lot calmer, he only takes it before breakfast and before dinner. He is also one of those children that has a resistance to most medications, so I'm so happy this works for him and us!
Read Best Reviews of Kids Relief Calm Syrup, 3.4-Ounce Bottle (Pack of 2) Here
I am the mother of a 14 month old daughter who has had trouble sleeping from day one. I saw this product at a local health food store and I decided to try it because, to be perfectly honest, I was desperate for sleep and to stop worrying about my daughter's sleep deprivation. Before I started giving this remedy to her, I could not get her to take ANY naps ever. When she was a newborn, she'd only sleep if I was holding her. As she got older, she wouldn't take naps period. She would sleep at night, but wake up every two hours for the whole night, and be ready to get up at 6am. As you can imagine, it was a nightmare! I tried everything, and I've read well over 15 books on ways to get children to sleep better. You name it, I researched it all: Nutrition, numerous sleep training techniques, co-sleeping, not co-sleeping, lavender pillows, bedtime soothing toys, night lights, swaddling, etc. Anyway, after consulting my pediatrician I began giving this to my daughter as prescribed. And it started to work... really well. The first two days, my daughter slept about 6 hours in the day and while she didn't sleep through the night, she slept for about 4 hour intervals and got a 12 hour night sleep! Now four months later, she takes two naps a day for a total of 3-5 hours a day. And at night, she still isn't sleeping through the night regularly, but she's getting her molars now so that could by why. However, getting her to go back to sleep isn't hard. I get up pat her or sing a song and she's out again. Whereas before I would have to nurse her, rock her, swaddle her, blah blah blah. It's amazing. I'm still working on getting her to sleep all the way through the night without needing me to go back to sleep though she sleeps a total of 12 hours a night usually.I did some experimenting and I found that this remedy works way better for us if it's given before meals versus after. (Which is part of the instructions anyway.) Also giving it at scheduled times helps keep the schedule in place. My schedule is like so: I give her a dose when she wakes up in the morning, after her first nap, after her second nap, and if she wakes up at night I'll give her a dose then too. This might be just an anomaly, but the remedy doesn't make her sleepy right away, rather it over time makes it easier to put her down for naps. That's why I give the dose after she wakes up. It usually means in the 3 or 4 hours that she'll be ready to lie down. Also, this product is used for other things like hyperactivity and nightmares. My daughter doesn't have those issues, and I have not noticed a decrease in her activity level or behavior except for the sleeping issue.
I do want to add that this isn't a miracle cure for sleep issues, I don't think there is one out there. This is part of a combination of things I do to ensure her sleeping well. I work really hard to keep her days flexible and fun filled, but scheduled. And I stay on top of giving her lots of social activity and exercise and one on one mama time. I have set patterns with her, like before a nap I read her a "special nap book" and we play her "sleeping music." I also make sure to keep her away from sugar, except fruits, and feed her really nutritious food. I guess what I'm saying is this remedy helps keep her balanced in some way, and all the other things I do are to contribute to her being well-balanced as well. All in all, I'm very satisfied with this product.
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Our son just turned 3 and we ordered this because he is a little wild. He is a great kid, but seemed to have a little trouble paying attention. He has not always been the most agreeable child. It seemed like the syrup took a few days to take effect. I can really tell when he is not on it. The syrup is great. He is not any less active. That is the part we love. He seems to be more agreeable. He has less fits. He is speaking more often(i think that is due to him paying more attention to us and not his trains.) We love this product. It works for us! It makes our little man happier. We follow the directions. There are no side effects. He loves the taste!
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